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CCleaner hackers planned to infect victims with third-stage Chinese hacking tool

Windows 7 is Forever
Message added by mta

changed title to be meaningful

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ok last year was a scary moment with the hackers attack against the ccleaner and today  I find this article 

Avast: CCleaner hackers planned to infect victims

just now I made an account for this forum to ask you a simple question such is;
if I uninstall ccleaner is enough to avoid those future hackers attack against the ccleaner 
or I have to totally reinstall my operating system because for what I know my system is already compromised with a keylogger from ccleaner? 

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  • mta changed the title to CCleaner hackers planned to infect victims with third-stage Chinese hacking tool
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5 minutes ago, Windows 7 is Forever said:

if I uninstall ccleaner is enough to avoid those future hackers attack against the ccleaner

who can say with 100% certainty.

5 minutes ago, Windows 7 is Forever said:

or I have to totally reinstall my operating system because for what I know my system is already compromised with a keylogger?

if your system already has an infecting, I think you have answered your own question.

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how do you know you have a keylogger?
what security program has identified that?

but at the end of the day, what effort do you put on protection.
if an OS reload is required, then it is required.
chalk it up to experience and move on. :D

and welcome to the forums by the way.

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well the alleged keylogger is coming from you guys in the ccleaner codes
sure I can't prove the keylogger is already there
but you can't prove that is not there maybe waiting to be just activate
so I definitely learn my lesson about using third party programs 
and it won't happen again EVER ..!!! ( that is for sure )
now if you excuse me I have to spend the next hour to re-install my OS 

and it was a real pleasure to interact with you

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You realllly are over reacting.  The third stage was "planned" not guaranteed.  The servers were shutdown and the infection was in a specific ccleaner version.  All this announcement/press means is Avast is being transparent about what they're finding through autopsy.

If you feel you might be infected, instead of reformatting the pc, blindly and rashly, seek aid at a trusted malware fighter site, such as those described in rule 10 of our forum rules (found at bottom of the forum index page).




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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ok this is getting hilarious in a dark way
because apparently is the ccleaner user fault to be concern
about the possibility of computer security breach coming from the CCleaner itself
and I love to how your forum Moderator is joking about it
like I say before
I did learn my lesson to use third party programs like ccleaner
and it won't happen ever again that is for sure..!!!
thank you to your advice about looking for any suspicious files etc etc
everything is been check and the Operating system is been fresh re-installed
so my level of paranoid when down to a normal level..!!
thanks piriform for the great experience to use your products ..!!!
PS here is my advice for anyone
who actually care about personal computer security
just use the disk cleanup instead ccleaner is more safer in that way
at least you don't have to worry about been hacked ...!!!
case closed have a good one..!!!!!!


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so despite all your scans showing no infection, you still were convinced you had a key logger from the installation of CCleaner in the past?
if that's the case, there would have been no guarantee anyone here could have given you that you would have been satisfied with.

I'm sure you are aware that no security package is 100% bullet proof and every time you start your PC you run the risk of things going pear-shaped through normal, daily usage.
how you manage that risk is completely up to you.

also realise that the Moderators on this forum, like all members, are just volunteers giving their advice and time freely.

I'm glad you got the issue sorted via the rebuild. :D (that's not a joke, just me happy)

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who actually care about personal computer security

I would suggest learning about security before flying off the handle at members offering you assistance. The third stage attack was found on 4 piriform employees machines. All hardware has now been moved to AVAST's own network. I cannot say anything else. The public will be updated when and if needed. You have nothing to worry about currently.

No fate but what we make

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21 hours ago, ident said:

who actually care about personal computer security

I would suggest learning about security before flying off the handle at members offering you assistance. The third stage attack was found on 4 piriform employees machines. All hardware has now been moved to AVAST's own network. I cannot say anything else. The public will be updated when and if needed. You have nothing to worry about currently.

thank you carpenter
now I feel more safe to use the CCleaner again


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Carpenter yes. Twenty-Two years in software development. At Thirteen wrote a module for Microsoft for the MSN chat network IRCX protocol.

Classic vb (1997/2002)
VB.net, C# (2002 present day)
PHP, JavaScript, HTML .
MySqL, XML, C++, C .

Regular Expressions, Internet IRCD, IRCX, MIRC, CSS, ASP, ASPX, Windows application development.

I dedicated my life since 16 to my main job and to help others for free.

Two years I studied under One of the schools listed on this site as a Malware academy. Every day I help malware victims, your attitude is of little shock. We often get abuse.

No fate but what we make

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first and final warning - play nice.
read the Forum Rules.

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ident..calm down.

All of your job experience should mean that you know not to quote your list as an indicator of how to help a poster.

Sometimes quiet reassurance is what a poster needs :)  

Let's move on...


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