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What did CCleaner delete?


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Just want to know if there is anyway to figure out what exactly CCleaner deleted after I choose to approve of this "free up space" pop up. I assumed it would let me choose what I would like to delete but it went straight to the job right after I clicked "yes." Now I'm curious what the 15 gigs of stuff was. More so just scared if any of that stuff was something semi important to me. Any input is much appreciated!


Not sure if these cleaner selection pics would tell anything of importance but here they are anyways. (for the internet browsers nothing is selected)


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Impossible to tell what it deleted if you didn't look at what it displays in the cleaning window summary, since it after all does not have the ability to automatically save a log file of what was removed.

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CC never removes personal data, like DOC or JPG or MP3 etc files.

it only looks in temp folders, recycle bin, browser cache, cookies... that sort of stuff.

to avoid future scares, maybe turn off Monitoring.

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4 hours ago, Andavari said:

Impossible to tell what it deleted if you didn't look at what it displays in the cleaning window summary, since it after all does not have the ability to automatically save a log file of what was removed.

I didn't get any kind of cleaning summary though. All it gave me was the notification pic I posted above. 


16 minutes ago, mta said:

CC never removes personal data, like DOC or JPG or MP3 etc files.

it only looks in temp folders, recycle bin, browser cache, cookies... that sort of stuff.

to avoid future scares, maybe turn off Monitoring.

Yeah I didn't think CC would delete stuff like that; but the thing is, I already did a cleaning with the selections above before this cleaning occurred(it was no where near 15 gb). So I was just curious where it randomly found 15 gigs of stuff to remove. That's really the only reason why I was skeptical. Is it possible that it ignored my selections?

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1 hour ago, hazelnut said:

The summary is show when you click Analyse. This then gives you the option to look through the items before you press Clean.

You can right-click on each item and look at the details.

Right, but this was all done in a little pop up box in the bottom right corner. I never actually opened the program. It just asked if I'd like to clean. I said yes and then it just started, no selection of what to clean or anything, it just did its thing. All I saw was a progress bar and then when it finished I gave me the picture above. 

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You must have monitoring turned on then.

I don't use it as I like to see what I am deleting :) 



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According to that documentation link in the above post by Hazelnut it checks every 8 hours.

Therefore based upon that and especially if you're using Windows 10 I would make a guess that it perhaps automatically cleaned something along the lines of one of these (just speculative guessing though because it never showed you a Window with what was exactly cleaned, but what's listed below can be huge in size in a little amount of time):
* Memory Dump(s).
* Windows.old folder (if you have it configured to clean it, note that it can cause serious issues if cleaned with anything other than Disk Cleanup that's built into Windows 10).

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