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CCleaner 5.36.6278 runs without end on Windows 8.1 (last working version: 5.22.5724)


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After I upgraded from 5.22.5724 in September 2016 to a version released a few days or weeks later, CCleaner ran so slowly on my Windows 8.1 computer that I gave up after a few minutes and reinstalled 5.22.5724. I have been using this version ever since, until I decided today to try 5.36.6278. The problem I had experienced by upgrading in 2016 reappeared. I thus reinstalled 5.22.5724, which works flawlessly. I have seen reports at the time that a version following 5.22.5724 had such a problem, but I thought that it had been solved by now. Apparently not, at least on my system.

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letting CC run for "a few minutes" isn't really giving it time to do what it needs to do.

since v5.22 a lot of things have changed; browser versions, cookie repositories, extra CC cleaning categories, file locations, internal methods used to 'cleanse' files, etc.


in other words, your first run of v5.36 may well take a lot longer simply because there will be a lot more things that get done since v5.22.

give it a good 10 minutes and see how it goes.

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hello ma_roberge,


if you make an analyze... is there a special point where ccleaner run slowly or "hangs"? or ccleaner generally run slow? and is ccleaner the only one that run slowly on your pc?


directly under the progress bar shows ccleaner the single points for running analyze or cleaning

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Ccleaner-->System-Requirements; Ccleaner FAQ´s; Ccleaner builds; Scheduling Ccleaner Free


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With my (old) version, the display of filenames being erased starts immediately at a very swift pace. With the recent version, the display of Internet Explorer's Temporary Internet Files begins almost immediately, but progressing at a rate at about one per second. This clearly does not look normal. I do not have many more temporary files than usual.

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when you start CC, the list of software under the Windows tab is the order they are done in.


as to what gets shown during the removal, not every file is shown, it can't be, it would take longer to show each filename than the time taken to remove said file.

so only every 10th file, or what ever file happens to be in the 'slot' when the 'refresh every second' cycle comes around is shown - or whatever internal method Piriform uses to put something into the progress field.


and no, you may not have many more temp files than usual, but the newer versions cover different areas and do things differently to your ancient version.


have you run an Analyse under v5.22 and under v5.36 and compared the software groups covered, the number of files found and the bytes to be cleaned?

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Internet Explorer's Temporary Internet Files begins almost immediately, but progressing at a rate at about one per second. This clearly does not look normal.


Cleaning IE which Microsoft changed with an update can cause CCleaner to go very slow when cleaning IE. Make sure you don't also have any secure delete mode enabled as that will only make it even slower.

Edited by Andavari
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