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Defragging / windows update caused black screen of death AGAIN


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So this is this 2nd time this has happened after using defraggler (and PC asking for random windows update)!


-I defragged my PC during the day for about 5 hours.

-I got home, paused and stopped the defragging.

-I go to shut-down my PC and get 2 options: 'update and restart' and 'update and shut-down'. I choose the latter option.

-PC updates for a bit before shutting down. I wasnt directly at my PC when it 'updated', but I think it was on about 20% update, then I heard it shut off. I presumed it was a really quick update

-So..PC shuts down, I wait 10 seconds then power PC back on. Windows 10 logo, a fuzze circular moving update dots appear.

-my PC auto logs into my MAIN current account and bam..black screen of death with white mouse cursor on screen. I tried logging into 1 other account..black screen. I managed to log into a 3rd account and it was fine.


This happened TWICE now. Both times it was a:  I defrag, then get the windows update, (pc shuts down), then turn on pc and black screen of death.


Why on EARTH is this happening? Is it defraggler moving my 'Windows update files' around or something? Is it a corrupt windows update 'coincidence after defragging my PC twice'.


I am too scared to defrag my PC again. its about 10% fragmented. I am thinking of either running chkdsk repair / fix to find issues? Or last case, just doing a complete re-install of my PC / Windows


Please help my issue :(


Here is a pic of my defragged HD if it helps


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-I got home, paused and stopped the defragging.

-I go to shut-down my PC and get 2 options: 'update and restart' and 'update and shut-down'. I choose the latter option.

This may have something to do with it.


It sounds like Windows Update had downloaded the update files and was waiting for a restart to install them.

(The system can be in a odd state at this time, for instance you are usually blocked from installing new software until the update has been installed).


I'm only guessing here that by stopping the defrag some files were not where Windows expected them to be when it came to install the updates.


-PC updates for a bit before shutting down. I wasnt directly at my PC when it 'updated', but I think it was on about 20% update, then I heard it shut off. I presumed it was a really quick update


-So..PC shuts down, I wait 10 seconds then power PC back on. Windows 10 logo, a fuzze circular moving update dots appear.

This could be another reason for your problem.

It is usual during an Update install for the computer to restart 2 or 3 times- at about 20-30%, at about 50-60%, etc. each time the screen goes blank for a while then fires up again.

By hitting the power button you have interupted this sequence.

You should leave it alone to get to 100% at which time it will show you the log-on screen (if you use one).



I suggest going to 'Settings > Update & Security > Update History' to see if the update installed successfully.

And then, whether it had or not, run the 'Check for Updates' again just to be sure.


PS. It's hardly a random update, Microsoft distributes updates for Windows on the second Tuesday of every month, it's know as 'Patch Tuesday'.

With Windows 10 Home this happens automatically. You can't stop it happening (or at least not easily).


For the future I would avoid running any defrag around the second Tuesday/Wednesday of the month, or at least check that there is not a Windows Update waiting for a restart to install itself.

And let the restart go for the full 100% before touching the power button.



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Hey, not sure how to quote your sentences so I will just write a reply.


-Well this exact same scenario (defrag and then asking for update) happened last time I defragged my PC. I did not recieve any windows/pc updates apart from after defragging and stopping it


-Also, I didnt mention that I powered off my PC when it was doing the update. I clicked 'update and shutdown'. So thats why I said, I saw it on 20% and then it just quickly shut off (maybe it was a quick update?) It wouldnt have powered back on unless I clicked 'update and restart'.


-I also checked my updates and its all 'up to date'. I checked update history and there seems to be 2 fail updates, but they were  back in May. They are both " 2017-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4020102 )". 

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The main question is, is your PC running OK now?


Yes, KB4020102 was the Patch Tuesday update in May, don't worry about it failing it will have been corrected since.

(You will probably see it was later sucessful, but even if not then Junes update would have sorted it).


As I said above when the screen went blank at about 20% update that did not mean that it had finished and shut down, just that it was pausing and doing another restart.

If you had left it alone it would have set off again and gone up to about 60%, and then done the same again (gone blank for a while and then restarted again).

It usually does this 2 or 3 times before it has got to 100%. (and then it shuts down if that was what you selected).

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Yes my PC is running completely fine now. 


Twice when it happened I spoke to Microsoft support. They used the remote control feature..and then not sure what happened but I logged back into the 'black screen of death account' (as I was talking to them on another somehow working account). And then it went back to normal...issue fixed. 


Its just odd that coincidentally this happened twice when defragging. And as I clicked 'update and shut-down', I presumed when I thought it had 'shut down', the update was complete. After 10 seconds it didnt turn back on..so not sure what to make when you say it will restart 2-3 times?

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Yes my PC is running completely fine now. 


.......not sure what to make when you say it will restart 2-3 times?

Good that you are running fine.


I'll explain what happened on my laptop last Tuesday night with the latest 'Patch Tuesday' Cumulative Update for Windows 10. (KB4025342)

  • The required update files were downloaded, in the background. (I knew it was due and had noticed the increased WiFi usage as they downloaded).
  • Looking in the 'Update & Security' I saw that the files had downloaded and were waiting for a restart to install.
  • I clicked on the 'Restart Now' button.
  • The computer restarted with the usual updating screen, circle of dots, display of percentage installed.
  • When it got to about 20%, the screen went blank, my disc drive stopped spinning.

    Windows Update has turned off your screen, but is still working in the background (Updating your display/graphics drivers?).

  • After a while the disc drive started up again and the sceen came back on. (The length of time 'blank' will depend on your computer).
  • Again the usual updating screen, circle of dots, display of percentage installed.
  • When it got to about 60%, the screen went blank, my disc drive stopped spinning.
  • After a while the disc drive started up again and the sceen came back on.
  • When it got to 100% the Update had finished.
  • The login screen was displayed.
That was only 2 'blank screen' pauses, some updates have 3 or even 4 of them.


In your case you did it slightly differently, in that (after the update files had been downloaded) you went for a shut down (from the start menu) rather than a restart (from U&S).

However you would get exactly the same update screens and the two 'blank' periods, but once it got to 100% rather than showing you the login screen your PC would shut down.

By pressing the power button before it got to 100% you have interrupted this update sequence.

The install should continue when you power on, by may not complete correctly because it was interrupted.


I'm not saying that interrupting the update is definitely the cause of your problem, but it is definitely something you should avoid doing.

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hmm well are you saying that when my PC 'shut down', after I had waited 10 seconds, it would have turned back on? (instead I presumed it had fully shut down so I powered it back on)


Even though, last time I saw the update %, it was at 20% but could have quickly gone to 100% when I went away..?


What would I do then? Just defrag (not on tuesday/wednesday) as normal but next time it asks for this 'update' (again), click 'update and restart'? I hope I dont get a black screen of death again :(

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I'm not sure how to answer this now.


Even though, last time I saw the update %, it was at 20% but could have quickly gone to 100% when I went away..?



Why do you think that 80% could have taken less time to complete than 20% ?


Next Patch Tuesday, which should be August 8th/9th, sit and watch what the update process does.

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