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Latest W10 removes CCleaner


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I installed a major Win 10 update on Dec 1st. After the reboot CCleaner was missing from the PC.


I re-installed the application from the latest version on the Piriform website. It ran as expected (previous prefs had been lost however.) Out of curiosity I reran the scan and it found almost as many items to discard as in the first run (most options checked in both tabs). I also ran the registry cleaner which I have always done intermittently in both Win 7 and 8.1 installations and it found a lot of entries. Repeating the whole process again CCleaner found yet more "junk" despite my having changed nothing at all between passes. I have never encountered this before.


On a Win 10 forum I have just seen a thread stating that CC (particularly the registry purge) kills W10 completely which is pretty alarming as I have yet to reboot the W10 box which is elsewhere.


There's an urgent need for some clarification here! It's unlikely to come from Microsoft, so it needs to come from Piriform.


If the situation is as serious as it seems CCleaner is dead in the water, having been an indispensable tool for many years.


Answers please!

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I just noticed this morning that Win10 removed CCleaner from my system. I use CCleaner every single day. I have used it for years and years. Is this the end of CCleaner? Is this a "bug" that will be fixed, or is this just the way things are now?


Hazelnut, respectfully, your link doesn't offer anything other than an acknowledgement that the problem exists. We all know it exists. What is CCleaner doing about it? 

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Piriform can't do anything about it. It was a "mistake" caused by Microsoft (and to many developers' programs); reinstalling ccleaner fixes the issue.





Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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I am not very computer savvy!I have been thinking about doing the Windows 10 thing but then stumbled across this!The very reason I was hesitating.I dont want stuff all messed up because I dont know how to "fix" stuff!In general do you think changing up to 10 is just not worth it ?

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only happens with Threshold 2 update (aka November update 1511, aka build 19586).

the Microsoft Migration Tool still gives you build 10240, the initial 'release to general public' version.


the fact the TH2 messes up a few programs which, by all reports, are fixed by reinstalling those programs, would not be reason enough for me not to get TH2.


but you have to do what you feel is right for you.

also consider, you are going to have to deal with Windows 10 eventually, so why not get a head start and get it while it's free.

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