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Slow comcast upload speeds after running a clean.

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Hi, I have two wired windows 7 Pro 64-bit PC's (both have the same spec's) running on a 50Mbps comcast conncection. Both WERE getting 53 to 57Mbps download speeds and 9 to 11+ upload speeds, until I ran ccleaner on one of them to clean files and clean the registry. Now, the one I cleaned is getting 53 - 57Mbps download speeds but only .8 - 1.08 upload speeds. What happened and how can I fix it?


Please help!

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Did you make a back up of the registry items when you were prompted to do so?


If yes, then just double click on it to restore the cleaned items.


It is not a good idea to clean the registry unless you know what you are doing.


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I'd say reboot the modem (according to my ISP that should be a weekly maintenance to do to prevent issues and refresh the modem RAM). If rebooting the modem doesn't immediately remedy the problem then it's time to call your ISP for support, they can fix upload speeds because sometimes things can go wacky with the modem configuration.

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Thanks everyone! Sorry I've been out of town and haven't been able to respond.


A modem reboot did the trick! I was confused because one of my PC's was fine but the other had the slow upload speeds? So, I thought it was the clean that caused it, because I didn't clean the other one, and it was fine. But I'm now getting 53 down and 11 up after the modem reboot.


Thanks again for all your input!

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