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Firefox tabs / tab groups go away


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This is a very old frustration.

I use tab groups and normally have several tabs open.

Run ccleaner each time I delete a program and with everything UNchecked from Applications / Firefox it seems as if everything related to tabs has disappeared the next time I start Firefox.

Any suggestions on how to keep them?

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you say you have everything in Applications/Firefox unchecked but have you tried EVERYTHING unchecked and running CC with one item checked per run until you find the culprit.

sucks and time consuming, but it'll identify the entry causing your grief.

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Well, my math was tired when I posted that "Bump" it was actually 29 hours later.

Thanks for the replies but I'm somewhat at a loss now. 

Just ran ccleaner 4.08.4428

  1. deleted a couple of visual express programs
  2. shut down firefox
  3. ran cleaner
  4. everything's okay
  5. shut down firefox
  6. ran the registry cleaner
  7. everything's right

I Had pretty pictures to go along with this but since there's not a problem there's no sense in posting them, Honestly, I'm not sure if the problem was fixed in the upgrade or .... ???


Winapp2.ini:  nothing extra, basic free ccleaner where I select a few things to leave alone.  Looks like I'm going to have to play a bit better attention to what I've been doing and see what is that has caused them to go away before and see if continues.  I'm confused!

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