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Startup list options all greyed out


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Have you actually clicked on an item in the list to highlight it first?


You should then see the greyed out options turn 'live'


Yes, I click on an item and the options don't turn live. My version is 4.01.4093. What gives?

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I observe that there are 6 different Tabs for 6 different types of Startups.


Is your problem restricted to the Windows TAB, or do you have the same problem with the other 5 Tabs as well.


Incidentally I also observe an unrelated bug under the "Scheduled Tasks" Tab.

"Yes Task CCleanerSkipUAC Piriform Ltd "E:\Tools\Piriform\CC-400\CCleaner64.exe" $(Arg0)"

That should NEVER be.

I am using the Portable version of CCleaner which should not mess around with the registry,

and I am surprised that by default it sets up a scheduled task that is not needed ( I have UAC permanently disabled.)

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Just started the latest CCleaner, pro, free, and portable.

All look same as the picture below, its the portable.

Can't for the life of me see more than 4 tabs. Maybe I'm not understanding what "tabs" means.

If I'm not, maybe pkchu520 is not either.

Anyway, all tabs are active, all 3 versions, win xp 32 bit.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Can't for the life of me see more than 4 tabs. Maybe I'm not understanding what "tabs" means.

You are unfortunately in a deprived situation.

Like you My second TAB is Internet Explorer,

but I never trust or use that so it is followed by a Firefox TAB :) (me feeling smug)


That makes 5 Tabs.

Perhaps I miscounted 5 as 6 due to the sun reflecting on the screen,

or perhaps CCleaner was looking at my Portable Palemoon as well as my installed Palemoon.browser.

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. . . That makes 5 Tabs. . . .


Ahhh, well, whats a tab or two among friends, eh? :D

Fwiw, I don't trust internet explorer either, but have good old Powershadow in place, so no worries.

But we're still not closer to finding out what the problem is.


Pkchu520, did you get it fixed yet?

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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But we're still not closer to finding out what the problem is.

I am sure that Scubabyte has solved the problem.


My very first automatic thought was lack of Administrator authority and / or UAC aggravation,

but I remembered that CCleaner had recently implemented UAC Bypass and assumed that this resolved all issues.


There are of course other possibilities, such as :-

Meddling with Windows System Startups has more serious consequences than deleting a few temporary junk files,

and perhaps this needs Administrator access in addition to UAC Bypass.




What is your version of Windows - perhaps it is not supported

Where did you download CCleaner from - there are imitations that do not come from here.

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