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Question if RECUVA can recover the pictures in folder changed to a file type


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Hi guys i have question if RECUVA can recover all the pictures in the FOLDER changed to a FILE type?




Before i have 4 folders in my memory card name: Images, Video clips songs and movies then i try to save all my pictures in my memory card to my computer so i connect my card reader to my computer and i try to restart my computer but i forgot to click the SAFELY REMOVE HARDWARE..

then after i restart my computer i see some msg like this show in my monitor


Checking file system on E: The type of the file system is FAT.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk. Volume Serial Number is 0A34-16CA
Unrecoverable error in folder \Documents\divers. Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes 705036288 bytes in 43 recovered files. Windows has made corrections to the file system.


but i dont click anything i dont click Y OR N but my computer automatic go to my desktop and after that i go to My Computer to check my files in my memory card then i dont know what happen why the Images and Video clips folder automatic changed to FILE type..

i try to open that files but i cannot open the file when i click open this msg show in my screen: (Open With: Choose the program you want to open this file)


i save all my pictures in the Image folder i think i have 400 pictures in images folder and 30 videos in my Video clips folder but after my folder changed to FILE type i dont know why the FILE type have only 32.0 kb size..


My question now is, if RECUVA can restore all the pictures i save in my folder name: Images but my folder changed now to a FILE type


NOTE: The FILE type are not deleted or remove i mean i have a copy of my Images and Video clips folder changed to a FILE type 1 copy in my memory card and another copy in my desktop computer


My folder changed to file type are not deleted i have a copy of that file type but my problem is i cant open the file type to save all my pictures in my old folder name: Images because my old folder changed to a FILE type..


and last if i post my topic in the wrong section please moved this topic to the right section thanks

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Your message is taken from another forum posted in 2009, so it isn't much use to us, and documents/divers appears to be from a French version of your O/S, yet you are in the Philippines. You have also posted this in at least five other forums, as can be seen by the copy/paste text, and received good advice. I don't think that Recuva can help you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First thanks for your reply sir.


2nd: when i got this problem i try to search in the internet until i found in other forum have the same problem with me and i already read all the comments in that forum but no one can help him and like he/she and me have the same problem so yes i copy only this error message in that forum to understand what problem i have now and because i have the same problem with him and i already see this error message show in my monitor when i restart my pc but in my side my memory card now is not connected to my computer so thats the reason why i copy that error message to easy understand my problem now anyway i already have my own BOOTEX.LOG in notepad format in my memory card

Checking file system on E: The type of the file system is FAT.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk. Volume Serial Number is 0A34-16CA
Unrecoverable error in folder \Documents\divers. Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes 705036288 bytes in 43 recovered files. Windows has made corrections to the file system.


last: yes i already post my topic in others forum because i really want to know how to recover all my photos inside in my folders changed to file type and many people suggest to me to use recuva to recover my photos but the problem my photos is not already deleted i mean my problem only is my folders changed now to a file type and i cant open that folder to see all my photos so i register here to know if recuva program can recover the photos inside in the folders converted to file type anyway i hope i can found some tools can back the folders changed to a file type to the original folders.... anyway thanks again for your reply sir

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Since you say the folders still exist on your device what I'd try is using Windows itself, you should be able to copy it to your hard disk in say a New Folder on the Desktop and see how it goes renaming it there. I'd do this so as to not possibly cause irreversible damage of the original already stored on your device.


Once in the New Folder on the desktop you could then try to rename that folder by removing any extension at the end of it. And if that doesn't work via Windows Explorer, you could then try to rename it via a Command Prompt, example:

ren "%userprofile%\desktop\Images.someextension" "Images"



May help to turn on in Windows the showing of known filetype extensions while you're attempting to resurrect that broken folder into a normal working folder.

Edited by Andavari
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Please note that a folder CAN have an extension, and a file does NOT need an extension.


I launched CMD.EXE to demonstrate


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Alan>echo %TIME% > IT-IS-NOW

C:\Users\Alan>TYPE IT-IS-NOW


C:\Users\Alan>DIR IT*
Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System
Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D

Directory of C:\Users\Alan

21/04/2013 09:07			 14 IT-IS-NOW
21/04/2013 09:08 <DIR>		 IT-WAS-THEN.TXT
		 1 File(s)			 14 bytes
		 1 Dir(s) 46,971,551,744 bytes free


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another information about my problem guys


before i saved all my photos in my folder name: "Images" and my Images folder was changed now to a FILE type.




this is my problem now after my Images folder converted to FILE type i cant open my Images folder to check if all my photos is still there.


then i try now to open my Images folder changed to file type

when i click open this message show in my screen:

(Open With: Choose the program you want to open this file)

then i choose "notepad" to open my Images folders was already converted to file type and i see some message or text in the notepad like this:


AI m a g e  “1 3 7 . j p   g   IMAG~129JPG


any idea about that guys?

i think all my photos is still there in my Images folder but the problem only

i cant open my Images folder to copy all my photos inside in that Images folder to transfer all my photos in the new folder.

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I do not believe that you and I have the same understanding of Folder and File

I will accept the verdict of DIR.


I suggest you launch CMD.EXE and use the CD command to reach the location of your IMAGES folder/file

Then use the command


Then right click on the centre of the black DOS window and CLICK "Select All"

Then take a screen shot and post in your reply.

I illustrate below :-

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Alan>CD TEST

C:\Users\Alan\TEST>DIR IMAGE*.* /A
Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System
Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D

Directory of C:\Users\Alan\TEST

23/04/2013 08:35				 6 IMAGES
23/04/2013 08:36 <DIR>		 IMAGES.TXT
		 1 File(s)			 6 bytes
		 1 Dir(s) 46,887,329,792 bytes free


If you do this we may have a better understanding of the situation.

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First thanks for the reply guys i really i appreciate your reply trying to help me to solve my problem.


Since you say the folders still exist on your device what I'd try is using Windows itself, you should be able to copy it to your hard disk in say a New Folder on the Desktop and see how it goes renaming it there. I'd do this so as to not possibly cause irreversible damage of the original already stored on your device.


Once in the New Folder on the desktop you could then try to rename that folder by removing any extension at the end of it. And if that doesn't work via Windows Explorer, you could then try to rename it via a Command Prompt, example:

ren "%userprofile%\desktop\Images.someextension" "Images"



May help to turn on in Windows the showing of known filetype extensions while you're attempting to resurrect that broken folder into a normal working folder.


yes sir i can copy my Images folder changed to file type in my memory card and transfer to my desktop

but i have the same problem i cant open the copy of my folder in my desktop.


and guys sorry i don't have a good knowlegde in computer

i don't understand how to do this:


And if that doesn't work via Windows Explorer, you could then try to rename it via a Command Prompt, example:

ren "%userprofile%\desktop\Images.someextension" "Images"


what did you mean about that? you mean i need to go in start then click run then?

sorry guys im new in computer settings like this can you explain how to do this?



I do not believe that you and I have the same understanding of Folder and File

I will accept the verdict of DIR.


I suggest you launch CMD.EXE and use the CD command to reach the location of your IMAGES folder/file

Then use the command


Then right click on the centre of the black DOS window and CLICK "Select All"

Then take a screen shot and post in your reply.

I illustrate below :-

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Alan>CD TEST

C:\Users\Alan\TEST>DIR IMAGE*.* /A
Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System
Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D

Directory of C:\Users\Alan\TEST

23/04/2013 08:35				 6 IMAGES
23/04/2013 08:36 <DIR>		 IMAGES.TXT
		 1 File(s)			 6 bytes
		 1 Dir(s) 46,887,329,792 bytes free


If you do this we may have a better understanding of the situation.


sorry sir like what i said before i don't have a good knowledge in computer

so please tell me what i can do to launch the CMD.EXE i mean where i need to go

to launch CMD.EXE like example go to start then ?


can you tell me step by step how to do this sorry for that but im new in computer

and i don't understand how to do this if you dont mind can you make this step by step

i mean where i need to go and what i need to type to show my



Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


C:\Users\Alan>CD TEST


C:\Users\Alan\TEST>DIR IMAGE*.* /A

Volume in drive C is C_OCZ_System

Volume Serial Number is 6E59-9E7D


Directory of C:\Users\Alan\TEST


23/04/2013 08:35 6 IMAGES

23/04/2013 08:36 <DIR> IMAGES.TXT

1 File(s) 6 bytes

1 Dir(s) 46,887,329,792 bytes free




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I am sorry but whilst I could easily show you in one minute how to launch CMD.EXE if we were sitting side by side,

I fear that life is too short for me to explain via forum postings all that you need to know and do - you need far more than CMD.EXE.


I will leave it for others to explain if they wish.


Alternatively you could look for a local school / college that teaches computer skills,

or do a Google search search for

"Computer Club"

You may be able to get for free a few minutes of hands-on tuition in basic computer operations.


If you take your memory card with you they can probably identify your problem within a few minutes,

and either fix the problem instantly or point you to a professional data recovery service.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys i just want to say thank you for all the people who read and reply in this topic i really appreciate your help guys to solve this problem.


Anyway I'm so happy to say i solve my problem now guys.

i used this program called "ZAR or Zero Assumption Recovery version 9.2"


how i solve this problem?


First: i download the ZAR 9.2 and i install this software in my Drive:C


2nd: i just want to recover only all the photos and videos in my 2 folders changed to file type in my memory card. the name of this 2 folders was converted now to file type is: "Images and Video clips" folders.


so after i download and i install this software i connect my memory card to the storage device of my computer using my card reader and the drive or the letter of my memory card is letter: F or Drive: (F:)


then after that i open the Zero Assumption Recovery software and i choose the "Image Recovery (Free)" option to recover my files. then i scan the drive letter of my memory card in Drive:F and this software is very fast because i finish to scan my memory card i think in 5 minutes only.


3rd: after my scan is finish i see 2219 files in the list of my ROOT folder

and i save all this 2219 files i recover in my Local Disk (D:) or drive:D


then after i finish to recover and save all my files in my drive:D

i close this software and i go to my drive:D to check all the files i recover


here the result of all the files i recover.


first of all i just want to recover only all the photos and videos inside in my 2 folders changed to file type.


so in my 2219 files i recover i copy only my 702 photos because this photos is very important to me. this 702 photos is the all photos inside in my "Images folder" was changed to file type. and i forgot to say i see also some of the photos i already deleted in my memory card but this is not important to me now because i have already the copy of that photos so this is the reason why i deleted this photos in my memory card. i just want to say only i recover also some of the photos i already deleted in my memory card. and i copy also all the videos i recover but all the videos i recover is not working anyway i have the copy of that 44 videos in my desktop so this video is not important to me now because i have the copy of that videos.


i recover 2219 files and the reason why i save only the 702 photos because some of the photos i recover i have already the copy of that photos so this is the reason why i deleted some of this photos and i save only 702 in my photos because i want to recover only this 702 photos in my folders changed to file type because i don't have the copy of this 702 photos


the total result: i have 2219 files i recover and i save only the 702 of my photos and in this 702 photos i saved i have some problem only in my 14 photos all this 14 photos have Thumbnails but the problem when i try to open my 8 photos i can't view the photos i mean when i click open i see only "Drawing failed" and no photos show in my "windows picture and fax viewer" and the other 6 photos have also the Thumbnails but when i open this 6 photos i can view the photos in my "windows picture and fax viewer" but the problem the photos show only the half of photos and the other half of photos is have problem i see only the blank with gray backround for example in the left side of photos is ok without problem but in the right side of the photos i see only blank with gray color. another problem all the video i recover is not working i mean i can't play all the videos i recover but in my case this video is not important to me because i have already the copy of that video in my desktop but the "Good News" is in the total of 702 photos i saved the 688 of this photos is working fine without any problem the photos have Thumbnails and i can view also the full size of my 688 photos.


so in total 2219 files i recover and i save only 702 photos and the 688 of my photos 100 % working i recover perfect this 688 photos without any problem but the other 14 photos is not working and have some problem and also all the 44 videos i recover is not working but the good news this software 100 percent can recover your photos in the folders changed to file type.


NOTE: first of all guys i am not promoting this software i just want to share only my experience about how to solve this problem and what software i use

so i post some tutorials how to recover your photos in the folder changed to file type to help some people have the same problem like this and if you search in internet guys you will see many people have the problem about the folders changed to file type and many of this people searching for the software can solve this problem but in my research i cannot see any user solve this problem and if you read some topic in other forum about this problem no user solve this problem so if i am correct i think i am the first user solve the problem about the folders changed to file type.


To all people have problem like this about how to recover your photos in the folders changed to file type you can try this "Zero Assumption Recovery" to recover your photos i will recommended that software because i try this software to recover and get back all the photos in my folders was changed to file type. and another one just like what i said before i also recover some of the photos i already deleted in my memory card so if you accidentally deleted your photos and you want to recover your photos you can also try this software.. Zero Assumption Recovery is very nice software and another good news guys the "Image Recovery (Free)" options of this software is 100 percent free (tested and 95% working)..


and last guys if you have problem about computer and internet don't give up always remember nothing impossible in this computer world you need only this 5 things..


1. search

2. read

3. don't be shy to ask question

4. take your time

5. wait until you see the correct and right answer in your question


you know guys many people say this problem is not easy to solve and some other user said just quit and give up because this problem is impossible to solve or no one program can solve this problem but i don't give up guys if you see i got this problem in april 6 and the date now is june 4 see guys i searching in almost 2 months until i found the answer how to solve this problem. so i just want to say only if you have problem in computer and if this files is very important to you don't give up!! because nothing impossible in this computer world!!..


anyway i just want to say thank you again to all the user reply in this topic i really appreciate your reply guys for trying to help me to solve this problem anyway i am so happy now guys because i solved my problem now thank you again guys godbless

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