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CCleaner 4 Feature Request

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Hello -


I am writing this to ask you to add a necessary feature into the upcoming release of CCleaner 4.0. You should add a feature that kills the process of a file you are trying to alter/delete but says you cannot because it is open by another program or process.


Example: http://www.javelin-tech.com/blog/2012/02/file-is-open-in-another-program/


It should be a drag and drop to see what process is running dropped object with the option to kill/end the process that is using it.

I'm sure you would get great feedback for this feature.




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I too think the idea interesting - as per the proverbial Chinese Curse

"May you live in interesting times"


There are many people that use CCleaner for safe removal of junk because they cannot make the distinctions themselves.

Giving them a button to click and remove a file that is in use may do damage that they cannot repair.

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