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deleting necessary temp files?

Mark Brant

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Has anyone encountered an error message upon startup that says a windows temp file cannot be found or is no longer available, this pertains to 16-bit temp file. I have never had this problem until I started using CCleaner. I have backed up the files from the start, will I need to go back to the first backup? Since I cant be sure at what point this happened. The backups go back a few months, what happens when I restore to that point? Thanks for any help.

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Many, many hits for this when you google, here's one




Also many, many causes and fixes.


I guess that you are running xp. Unlikely that restoring all your reg fixes would cure this. How long has it been happening?


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I would not expect System Restore to have any interest in TEMP files.


If you desist from using CCleaner for several days, does this error message repeat each day, or does Windows recreate whatever it needs ?

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I have seen something like this before but can't be sure if it is your problem.

in MSCONFIG you may have had a program that was starting out of your TEMP folders, either a legit or bogus bit of software.

the ones I've come across have all been bogus.


now you have ran CC, it has cleaned up the TEMP stuff but the MSCONFIG startup list of programs still has it listed.

from the error message you are getting, it should say what the program is that can't be found.

look at the startup list of program in MSCONFIG and, if there, untick it.

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