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Can't shut-off wipe free disk space


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I have run CCleaner in normal mode for several months. It takes a couple of minutes, but I decided to experiment. I changed two settings. I checked Advance, and the option that makes 3 deletion passes, and also I checked Wipe Empty Disk space. It took several hours to complete these tasks. I decided it wasn't necessary and unchecked both options, and rechecked Normal. Guess what happened? It keeps spending an hour wiping empty disk space. Why dosn't it stop doing this?


I rebooted the system, and ran CCleaner again, no change. So I uninstalled CCleaner, and then down loaded and reinstalled CCleaner. It still Wipes empty disk space. What could cause this? What should I do?

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Once you have started it will finish in its own good time.


After reinstalling CCleaner it may well be affected by registry settings which tell it to continue / recommence a free space wipe.


Yet another good reason for using Portable software that avoids the registry.

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1. Open CCleaner.

2. Click: Options -> Advanced -> Restore default settings

3. Close CCleaner, and then open it. Confirm that the default settings were restored.


Problem solved; default settings restored, CCleaner is nolonger wiping free space. Question - after I develope a customize CCleaner for my PC - how do I protect my configuration from problems like this ?

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Question - after I develope a customize CCleaner for my PC - how do I protect my configuration from problems like this ?

1. Open CCleaner.

2. Click: Options -> Advanced -> Save all settings to INI file.

3. Remember to periodically backup the INI file (such as zip it, etc.,) which will be named ccleaner.ini, it will be located in the folder where CCleaner.exe resides. Note that this tells CCleaner to only use the INI for the settngs, it will remove all the settings from the registry. This is also a good way for getting settings from one computer to another without having to reconfigure CCleaner from scratch.




Use the portable version.

Edited by Andavari
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periodically backup the INI file which will be named ccleaner.ini, it will be located in the folder where CCleaner.exe resides.



I checked the Advanced option to create ini fie. I have CCleaner.ini stored in same folder as CCleaner.exe. :) Where should I store CCleaner.ini ? I have a secondary internal hard drive?



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You can copy/rename it as something like CCleaner.txt in the same folder as CCleaner.exe.

When you change configuartion of CCleaner.exe it will modify CCleaner.ini,

and to cancel your changes simply exit from CCleaner.exe then delete CCleaner.ini and rename CCleaner.txt to CCleaner.ini

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Where should I store CCleaner.ini ? I have a secondary internal hard drive?


Leave it in the folder where CCleaner.exe is.


To make a backup of it you can simply copy it to that second internal hdd for safe keeping.

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You can rename it as something like CCleaner.txt .

When you change configuartion of CCleaner.exe it will modify CCleaner.ini,

to cancel your changes simply exit from CCleaner.exe then delete CCleaner.ini and rename CCleaner.txt to CCleaner.ini


I saved CCleaner.ini as CCleamer.txt


Thank you.



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