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IR mouse disabled after CCleaner run ?

Richard L

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Hi :)


I have (successfully) used CCleaner for more years than I can remember with lots of PC's and lots of different OS's.


I have just stumbled upon a slight issue on a PC running Vista Home Premium with IR mouse/keyboard.


When I run CCleaner version 3.22.1800 it cleans as usual but it disables my mouse each time.


I know that it will be a simple solution to this issue but I need some help here if possible please...




Can anyone point me in the right direction please ?




Keep up the great work Piriform and thanks for CCleaner :)


Richard L.

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After restarting your system have a look in your temp folder locations such as the Windows\Temp folder and your UserProfile\Temp folder, and try to determine if your IR mouse/keyboard is by chance putting some driver file in that/those folder(s) such as an .EXE file or some other file. Some hardware for whatever odd reason will do this and deleting the file they expect to be in there can cause an issue.


Now if you find a file placed in the temp folder that's possibly required you can then exclude it from being cleaned by CCleaner by:

1. Open CCleaner.

2. Click Options->Exclude

3. Add->File

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Try and pinpoint what may be causing the problem.

Untick Custom Files & Folders and stop using winapp2.ini if you do, to see if the problem goes away.

Also put CCleaner back to default settings in case it's something extra you have ticked.

At least that way you'll have a better idea of where to focus your attention.

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