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Registry Clean up


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Hi All, hope I've posted this in the correct place.

Having tried a number of free registry cleaning programs, and being a computer illiterate, I've encountered a number of problems once the programs have run.


Please? How safe is it to run the Reg cleaner with CCleaner if I tick yes to cleanup everything?

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Personally, I only use:


Registry First Aid

Very powerful but extremely safe to use unlike other registry cleaners, thisfind sonly things worth deleting and won't screw up your system - it will just make it better!




"This program will help you increase the speed of your WindowsXP system by optimizing the system's registry hives. These hives are files on your system that Windows stores program settings and other system information in. They are crucial to the operation of your computer's operating system and the speed at which they can be accessed will effect system and program performance."



They're the only safe things I have found, and CCleaner works fine with them as well. I would uninstall whatever you have got and use those...

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Personally, I only use:


Registry First Aid

Very powerful but extremely safe to use unlike other registry cleaners, thisfind sonly things worth deleting and won't screw up your system - it will just make it better!




"This program will help you increase the speed of your WindowsXP system by optimizing the system's registry hives. These hives are files on your system that Windows stores program settings and other system information in. They are crucial to the operation of your computer's operating system and the speed at which they can be accessed will effect system and program performance."



They're the only safe things I have found, and CCleaner works fine with them as well. I would uninstall whatever you have got and use those...









Thanks very much for that U.P. I'll give them a go first thing in the morning.

Have a good one in 2006

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If you are worried, then backup the registry. Personally, I never bother todo that.


CCleaner is designed for safety and supposedly has many checks to verify it doesnt do something, it should not. I never experienced any problem with CCleaner.


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