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Critical Error

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Hello, I seem to be having this problem-


I have tried un-installing and re-installing different versions

also running in safe mode but this happens every time I start the

program, It's been like this for a few months now.

I'm not sure why it's stopped working as far as I can tell nothing has

changed on the machine, It's an old laptop that someone borrowed a

few months ago but he assures me he did not install anything or change

any settings.


I notice a few other people have had the same issue, has anyone

found a solution yet?


Any suggestions and what is an unknown exception?

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Any suggestions and what is an unknown exception?


In programming you have error handling. When doing a particular operation you should try to think what could be the poissible errors. For example if you was trying to delete a file what could be the poissible errors???


File is in use

File is missing


and so on. So you catch these exceptions. But there is a chance it could capture an exception that has not been declared. Hence unknown exception.


Basically unknown error.

No fate but what we make

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Try revrting back to an older version. I'm sure the devs try to cater still for 98 users but reality is it's 12 years old os.



edit: Just notice you tried this.

No fate but what we make

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Hello and thanks for the quick responses.


It sounds like a real nightmare trying to take into account

every conceivable scenario the software could run into as

there can be so much diversity between computers and then

get it to play nice with the other software and an intricately

woven operating system, that must take a lot of dedication.


"Have you done a full virus and malware check on the machine?"


As far as I can tell it's clean, I ran process explorer and

didn't see anything suspicious I also took the drive out and

slaved it into my main computer then scanned it with AVG,

malwarebytes and spybotSnD with nothing but a couple of tracking

cookies found.

The only thing I have noticed is that there is network activity

sometimes when there shouldn't be, after a bit of investigation

the kernel seems to be talking to the net but not all the time.


I was trying to resolve the problem without a re-install as

it's all set up and configured as I want, runs really well and

hasn't had any problems since 2004.


Maybe there is something there preventing ccleaner from working

I'm going to have to do more tinkering and see what I can find out.

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  • Moderators

If you suspect at all some deep seated 'nasty' you can always pop over to the Spyware Hell part of the forum and follow what steps you are abl to, and post whatever logs you can manage from this...




Perhaps imclude a link to this thread just for info as well.


Support contact





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Tested CCleaner on Windows 98SE and it works (even NT4 SP6 lol). :D

I'm curious about the error dialog box this isn't the stanard Windows one, so who does it belong to??


Are you running any anti-virus or HIPs software on your machine??


Richard S.

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