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Ccleaner reaches 100% and hangs


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Good afternoon.

I've just installed the latest Ccleaner v2.33.1184 and when I run the Cleaner, it reaches 100% with a complete green bar along the top, but doesn't exit. When I close it using the little cross at the top right, it reports "Program not responding" and I have to force it to close.

Doesn't happen on Registry cleaning.

There's a screenshot of it having hung attached.


Interestingly, it also did this about half the time with the two previous versions but I just ignored it and hoped it went away. But now it looks like every time - I installed it and ran three times in a row and every one hung.


I'm using Windows XP Home SP3 and run Firefox 3.6.4, though IE 8 is also installed and I use it very occasionally. AV is Avast Free 4.8. Windows firewall is active but I've no other security software going.


Can I give you any further info to help you identify what's going on?


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How do you force it to close?


If you open the task manager when ccleaner is showing as not responding is there anything listed under processes that seem abnormal?


Is firefox closed, and shown to be not running in the task manager when you clean?


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do you have Wipe free space checked? (uncheck it keep it unchecked ;))


Does this freeze occur everytime you run ccleaner?


uncheck everything (both tabs) and go one by one of the checks you check it run cleaner uncheck it check the next. . . etc




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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do you have Wipe free space checked? (uncheck it keep it unchecked ;))


Does this freeze occur everytime you run ccleaner?


uncheck everything (both tabs) and go one by one of the checks you check it run cleaner uncheck it check the next. . . etc



Hi thanks for the replies.

On the first one, yes FF is not running and shown not to be running in task manager.

I force it to close by clicking the red cross at the top right, then End process when it tells me it's not responding.

I can't see anything odd on the list of processes, but there are very many and I don't know them all anyway.


On the second reply, yes it now seems to happen every single time I run it, whereas on the previous versions it was only every other time approx.

Wipe free space and Wipe MFT free space are both unchecked.

Yes, looks as though I'll have to go through both tabs checking stuff one by one till it happens. Will do tomorrow and report back.

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Right, I've done the test and not got consistent results.


I cleared all the ticks on both tabs and it ran ok and finished.

I ticked FF cookies, ran it and it froze.

Unticked FF cookies and tried others one at a time only being ticked and it froze each time. On both tabs.


Closed Ccleaner and went to have a cup of tea.


Returned, started on the Applications tab and ticked them one at a time starting at the bottom and everything ran OK even when they were all ticked.

Went to the other tab and ticked them one at a time and everything ran OK, even with all ticks set in both tabs (apart from Free space).


Closed down CCleaner, reloaded it and clicked Run Cleaner and it froze at 100%.


There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to it,

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