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Conflict with Registry Mechanic


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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been using it for 3 years, and have never had an issue of any kind.


Doesn't conflict with CCleaner in any way, and I'm assuming you don't run them at the same time.

Hello Dennis,


I, too, have wondered if there could be a conflict with CCleaner and Registry Mechanic. Glad to have my concern cleared by your post.


Just a few lines on another topic. I've been using Defraggler for several months, and wondered why I had such a high percentage of fragmentation (running right around 50% most of the time). :huh: I happened across another post that mentioned deleting old restore points could save considerable disc space. In the Windows program, I could only find a way to delete all the restore points. <_< Then, happily, I played around in CCleaner for a bit and discovered how to delete selected points. After creating a new restore point, I deleted all the previous ones. Then I ran the Defraggler again, and VOILA!!!, I have 0% fragmentation and only half as much drive space used! :P It's such fun to keep learning new things.


Happiest of Holidays to you and yours!



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Hi Picablu. You've made my day, and it was already pretty good. :lol:


You've done well to get 0% fragmentation, but don't be too disappointed if you can't always achieve that, as sometimes a few pesky red squares seem to want to hang about, and that's quite normal.


Happy holidays back to you Picablu, and I hope you and your family are having a good one.


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