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The nail in the coffin for nintendo?


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Nintendo has finally unvailed the controller for the revolution and needless to say they are screwed. It looks like a tv remote with a analog stick combined to it by a cord. My prediction is that either they have some strange kick ass games that they havent showed off yet or they are done. I sure will miss zelda and metroid. :(





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Well, I hope the controller is optional and there are more other ordinary controllers.


However, the controller seems interesting, I read a review about it, that it was kind of cool for airplane games and such that it was used in a game to swing a sword.


I also noticed that Nintendo have finaly decided to use discs on this system instead of cassettes as they used in prior consoles, which should make it easier for people to get their hands on games.


And since both Xbox360 and Playstation 2 will have DRM that everybody hates, and that Xbox360 supposedly is extremly difficult to "mod" with chips. Maybe there is a place for Nintendo once again. ;)


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