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CCleaner's Registry Cleaner


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Ok, so a few minutes ago my computer locked up completely (No mouse, no Ctrl+Alt+Delete, no nothing) I didnt crash or anything, but I needed to reboot with the button. I then searched the net to figure out if there was something I could do. I saw something about how it's probably my registry, so much garbage in there it locks me up. Well I had remembered CCleaner has an option to clean out your Registry and what not, it's just, I dont quite get how to use it and I cant really find any help about it.


I clicked Registry and it brought me to a scan thing, it scanned, and then it said "Fix all problems" but.. im not really sure what that will do. Can someone tell me anything about it.. I really dont wanna mess my computer up, you know?

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Niracas, try this: After scanning for issues, click on the 'Fix selected issues' button on the lower right side of the window. When asked if you want to backup changes to the registry click yes. If you later want to unfix the changes you made just right click the backup file and click the bold face 'Merge'. I've not had to merge, yet. This is the best advice I can offer. You may wish to wait for more expert advice but this merge procedure should work ok, from the instructions I've read.

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Also consider the fact that random lockups can happen to most folks and you can need a hard reset.


Sometimes it can just be software conflict, have you recently installed any software, addons perhaps?


The windows event viewer can be useful sometimes for things like this as it may list a system event around the time you had your problem.


Just in case you are unsure how to look there, see here




Other events are listed as well as Blue Screens of Death


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