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Everything posted by Niracas

  1. Thanks alot, i'll give it a shot and if I have any adverse effects i'll post on here about it.
  2. Ok, so a few minutes ago my computer locked up completely (No mouse, no Ctrl+Alt+Delete, no nothing) I didnt crash or anything, but I needed to reboot with the button. I then searched the net to figure out if there was something I could do. I saw something about how it's probably my registry, so much garbage in there it locks me up. Well I had remembered CCleaner has an option to clean out your Registry and what not, it's just, I dont quite get how to use it and I cant really find any help about it. I clicked Registry and it brought me to a scan thing, it scanned, and then it said "Fix all problems" but.. im not really sure what that will do. Can someone tell me anything about it.. I really dont wanna mess my computer up, you know?
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