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CCleaner Confusion?


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I have downloaded the most up to date version of CCleaner; and I can not get the application to complete a 'cleaning.' It will only complete about 4% and seemingly continue running at that same level of completion. It has stayed this way for literally hours upon hours... just cleaning t0 4% completion. So yesterday I tried to uninstall the application and then redownload and reinstall it. I can not even get it to uninstall now - it will only uninstall to about 5% and stop. I have tried all the tricks I know to uninstall it. All indications is that the program is in fact running, but it will not do anything beyond a certain point. Can anyone please give me an idea about what to do to get it working again? :(

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At what point does it get stuck? (It should say what it is trying to clean in the ccleaner screen)


Have you tried uninstalling in safe mode?


Do you get any error messages when you try to uninstall?


Is this your first version of ccleaner?


What is your operating system?


Are all your virus/malware checks up to date and clean?


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