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Kanye West

Guest Mangix

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ok i was just watching the news today and i found something really interesting.


on NBC, Kanye West and Mike Myers were talking about Hurricane Katrina and when it was Kanye's turn to speak, he talked a lot about the stuff but at the end he said and i quote, "George Bush doesnt care about black people"


what a racist.


and also if you didnt see it, click the below link.



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that's not the only thing he said. he was going on about how white people are going to imagine if their people were there and think about how much money they can give instead of the black people and stuff


however the funny thing about that was the the look on chris tucker and mike myers's faces :P

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First let me say this, who honestly gives a damn what Kanye West thinks? I sure as hell don't (or any other entertainer for that matter). Do I think George Bush is a racist? No, not at all. He has had more minorities in his administartion than probably any other president, including his secretary of state Condolezza Rice. (As far as I know, she is the only minority to ever hold this postion besides Colin Powell who was also under Bush. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)


The huricane was an unpredictable disaster. No one knew it was going to be as bad as it was. The citizens in New Orleans were given an evacuation order and were warned what could happen if they did not leave.


This accusation about the delay of aid is completely false. They have been rescuing people from their homes and have been moving them to surrounding states. They are getting supplies to people as quickly as possible. Not to mention that it dosent help that the people are rioting. I watched a report about a medical team who went into the Super Dome to help people and they were shot at!


The little comment about the black people getting food and its looting and the white people getting food is ok is complete bull s**t as well. They are not arresting people who are getting food from the grocery store. They are arresting people who are going into electronics stores, car lots, ect. and stealing everything (White or Black)!


None of this matters though. The most important thing right now is getting those people to saftey. All that we can do is donate what we can and send our prayers.I just get so tired of this nonsense.

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Yes! The people doing the most complaining are the able bodied ones who chose to stay in the city when there was ample warning. I ask you: Who would stay in a city below sea level in a major hurricane? I have been in more than my share of them, and it is not as easy as all the detractors think it is. I am of the opinion that there is ample blame to go around, and the majority of it should fall squarely on the Governor of the State of Louisiana. She has her own private army (the Guard)and the power (the constitution) to use them. They obviosly have the equipment to move those folks, and she should have done so before the storm. No one can get around all that mess of busted city and water in a hurry. The time to prepare for a hurricane is before it gets there and run like hell!

If it isn't broke, tweak it.

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They obviosly have the equipment to move those folks, and she should have done so before the storm.




The government in my views is only partially to blame for such a lengthy relief effort, however the government has never had to deal with a natural disaster so enormous. Also rather a pre-storm evacuation is mandatory ("marshall law") or not people will still be bullheaded and do their own thing.


Meteorologists where saying for days that Katrina would strengthen in the warm Gulf of Mexico waters, and gave a good tracking of where the storm was headed. Meteorologists on each news channel weren't over-trumping what would happen, they were trying to warn people for days and unfortunately many didn't listen, or had no ability to leave.


I'm not talking just about New Orleans which is seemingly getting allot of the news coverage, there are other areas that are also devastated.


And how serious is the catastrophe, well it's an important world event as Japan and many other countries are releasing oil reserves to try and stabilize fuel costs worldwide.

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