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New CCleaner v. bug


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Update IE to latest version.


Is that a sure fix, or are you taking a WAG? If I told you to cut your hair to cure a problem, would you do it? I thought so.


No, the cookies list remains in CCleaner - no changes. But all saved cookies in my browsers are gone. :blink:

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Is that a sure fix, or are you taking a WAG? If I told you to cut your hair to cure a problem, would you do it? I thought so.


My advice is withheld - offensive reactions to previous advice not acceptable



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Alan, I appreciate your altruism. I admit I was a little 'testy', but upgrading my browser didn't seem a very valid suggestion (I have IEv8, and it exhibits the same behaviour).


I take it there is no solution, and none forthcoming?


I have no experience of IEv8, and for now I am content with Firefox, and bitterly regret that M.S. have made it impossible to remove their monstrous security risk.

I keep I.E.7 fully up to date, but never use it intentionally.

Very few sites mis-behave when I use Firefox, and those which do mis-behave have immediately given me cause to go elsewhere.


I do not mind if you use I.E.7 or I.E.8,

but I do object to I.E.6.

I believe I.E.6 is beyond redemption and is no longer supported by Microsoft, so not many third party applications will be written or adapted for I.E.6.

IMHO it is safer to walk through a crowded shopping mall with credit cards on display and clipped to the tail of a jacket than it is to use I.E.6 ! ! !


If you use I.E.7 or I.E.8 you will be using browsers that the latest CCleaner is handling well.

When using I.E.7 or I.E.8 the problem then becomes some difference between your computer system and the other computer systems that work well, and the situation will not be clouded by idiosyncrasies of obsolete browsers.

Then meaningful comparisons can be made, and possibly a recent bug may be identified and fixed, in which case it could also improve your I.E.6 experience if you wish to revert.



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  • 2 weeks later...

An update, and a 'Thank you' to whoever helped code v.2.23.999 - all's well again in IEv6 land.


I use a couple different browsers, and happen to really like IEv6. I've also used CCleaner since the old 'green chicken' days, and happen to really like it, too. To have them play together nicely warms my heart. :)

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