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Has someone been viewing 'bad' sites?


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MrG I would like some help please.


While using the Analyze button recently on the cccleaner, I was perplexed to see a list of porn sites.

Does this mean that someone has viewed these sites from my computer, or could this be some type of spam??

I am not very good with computers, but have been unable to sleep since I found this list. Do you know how I could view a full list of all things that have been cleaned in the last few months? I would really appreciate some help.


If these sites have been viewed do you have any suggestions on how I could stop this on my computer,,,free would be best as I have recently become unemployed....



motherof3 :unsure::(<_<

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MrG I would like some help please.


While using the Analyze button recently on the cccleaner, I was perplexed to see a list of porn sites.

Does this mean that someone has viewed these sites from my computer, or could this be some type of spam??

I am not very good with computers, but have been unable to sleep since I found this list. Do you know how I could view a full list of all things that have been cleaned in the last few months? I would really appreciate some help.


If these sites have been viewed do you have any suggestions on how I could stop this on my computer,,,free would be best as I have recently become unemployed....



motherof3 :unsure::(<_<

First, and most obvious, question - does anyone else have access to your computer?


(Perhaps a mod could move this to it's own topic)

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MrG I would like some help please.


While using the Analyze button recently on the cccleaner, I was perplexed to see a list of porn sites.

Does this mean that someone has viewed these sites from my computer, or could this be some type of spam??

I am not very good with computers, but have been unable to sleep since I found this list. Do you know how I could view a full list of all things that have been cleaned in the last few months? I would really appreciate some help.


If these sites have been viewed do you have any suggestions on how I could stop this on my computer,,,free would be best as I have recently become unemployed....



motherof3 :unsure::(<_<


I assume you have young kids? when you say you cant sleep at night i think you should relax a bit. At about 10-/12 we use to view things we shouldnt. It's curiosity. All apart of learning and growing up. Does not mean we was up to any thing bad. It's just human nature to be interested.


you can install software to stop porn sites. Trouble is i think i was the same age when i learnt how they all can be breached pretty easy lol


sorry for being no help :lol:

No fate but what we make

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These may not be direct visits. For example I know of a game web site that has alot of adult ads on it. Its not your typical 'play online games' but more of a forum and resource. Anyway. After one visit I have 4 cookies from adult sites. Not too mention they are in the history and the cache.


If your running Vista Premium or Ultimate you can use the Parental Controls to help with the issue. On Windows XP you could use the Group Policy Editor to block URL's etc.


There are also free applications to help with this such as 'Parental Filter'



Im sure there are numerous applications out there and maybe someone could reccomend one that they have used. I rely on using Open DNS to filter sites. Here is a great article about using the free service...



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I haven't had any CCleaner experience yet (actually came for a look to see what others thought of it first).

But I have recently installed K9 Web Protection as an internet filter. I have 2 small kids (7 & 5) plus there's rubbish out there that I don't want to be looking at - & my wife is happy knowing that I'm not getting tempted either (by anyone other than her that is ;) ).


K9 seems quite good, is free for home use & has lots of options on what you can allow / block including all the porn stuff, but also things like social networking, online shopping, online games can be controlled - by you & not the kids!

By default it's fairly restrictive & you'd probably need to use it for a while & use the "custom" setting to adjust what it will allow through - for example Youtube was pretty much blocked, but we enabled it so you can search & watch most, but it still catches videos in the "mature/adult" category.

You can also enable specific sites - eg in the "social networking" category, you could set facebook as an allowed site, but block the others which would inclue my space, bebo etc. I've been surprised a couple of times when I've clicked what I thought was an innocent link it's popped up saying that site was "suspicious" & was in the hacking category or something similar. It also has categories for phishing, spyware source, peer-2-peer (file sharing), proxy avoidance (anonymous surfing) & lots of others.

Oh & you can also set times when internet access is totally blocked - overnight, or even right down to specific half hour blocks on each day through the week.


Of course the best option, but not always possible, is old fashioned supervision - if at all possible have the computer in a public part of the house rather than say the kids bedroom...


Hope that helps,


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Of course the best option, but not always possible, is old fashioned supervision - if at all possible have the computer in a public part of the house rather than say the kids bedroom...

That typically works better than any software regardless of its claims, etc., which most kids are smart enough to disable in a nanosecond anyways.

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