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Newbie Questions

Tom B

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Hi from Tom B the newbie. (piriform Lounge)

Hazelnut sent me!

Thanks to Hazelnut for starting me off with ?how to ?questions in the lost restore pointers topic area.

I have some general questions about how to use the forum.


1.There are two reply buttons.

One just under a post, REPLY and one lower down Add REPLY,

When do I use each?

I understand that fast reply will not repeat the question.

I understand how to use new topic.

I think Add Reply will create a new post after the last post. ( And will repeat the original post)

How does REPLY work?

When I used it I did not see my post?

Did it only go to the person who posted the note that I replied to?


2. When do I use Quote?

3. How do I get an e-mail when a new post is posted for a TOPIC not the whole Forum?

4. To the left of the list of forums are things like Pinned, and a pair, and smiles, etc.

5. Where is there a list of their meanings?

6. Is there a QUICK TOUR of the general usage of the forum?

7 .When I signed up to Bleeping Computer forum the sign up page looked like this CClean sign up page.

Are they connected? Or do they use the same basic program?

I tried to use the same password but it did not work.

8. How do I get the spell check to work? ( I get an error ie spell not detected) (OK does not fix it?)

9. Post Options, Enable email notification of replies? Does this send me an email if I get a reply to this post?

Thanks in advance for your help. Tom B the Newbie.

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Hi from Tom B the newbie. (piriform Lounge)

Hazelnut sent me!

Thanks to Hazelnut for starting me off with "how to "questions in the lost restore pointers topic area.

I have some general questions about how to use the forum.


1.There are two reply buttons.

One just under a post, REPLY and one lower down Add REPLY,

When do I use each?

I understand that fast reply will not repeat the question.

I understand how to use new topic.

I think Add Reply will create a new post after the last post. ( And will repeat the original post)

How does REPLY work?

When I used it I did not see my post?

Did it only go to the person who posted the note that I replied to?


2. When do I use Quote?

3. How do I get an e-mail when a new post is posted for a TOPIC not the whole Forum?

4. To the left of the list of forums are things like Pinned, and a pair, and smiles, etc.

5. Where is there a list of their meanings?

6. Is there a QUICK TOUR of the general usage of the forum?

7 .When I signed up to Bleeping Computer forum the sign up page looked like this CClean sign up page.

Are they connected? Or do they use the same basic program?

I tried to use the same password but it did not work.

8. How do I get the spell check to work? ( I get an error ie spell not detected) (OK does not fix it?)

9. Post Options, Enable email notification of replies? Does this send me an email if I get a reply to this post?

Thanks in advance for your help. Tom B the Newbie.



(click for larger pic)


I used the "Reply" button with quotation marks next to it for this post, so your post is quoted within it up there.

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3. How do I get an e-mail when a new post is posted for a TOPIC not the whole Forum?
Use the Options drop down menu "Track this topic"


You will find that it becomes very annoying after a while.


Why not grab your favorite beverage and look for the highlighted topic areas then browse them at you leisure.


4. To the left of the list of forums are things like Pinned, and a pair, and smiles, etc.

5. Where is there a list of their meanings?

Pinned are important topics and I'm not sure what you mean by pair.


Smiles are the little pics on the left ;)B):)


8. How do I get the spell check to work? ( I get an error ie spell not detected) (OK does not fix it?)
I use IE7Pro for spell check:


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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If it's any help Tom, in your "My Controls" page, under "Options\email settings" you can configure for Piriform to send you an email of any additional posts made to threads you have posted in.


I have mine set to receive one daily update, which includes a simple text version of the posts themselves, and a hyperlink to take you straight to that post.




If you have any other queries at all about the forum Tom, just post a question in the lounge, as I'm sure the answer will probably benefit even some of the longer serving members here, who still get lost in the corridors. :lol:

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2. Use quotes when quoting someone or another site.

6. The quick tour may be found here.

7. No, they are not connected. They simply use the same forum software known as IPB which is why you may have been led to believe they were somehow connected.


I believe, between us four, that all questions have been answered. If you've got any other questions, let us know. ;)

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Thanks to all 4 of you I am now able to find my way in the dark.

I did find a good intro on the bleepingcomputer.com forum that helped me with this place too.

I was a hard where Tech for 40 years, now I need to work with programs and M$ OS and I can not go over to the other side of the office to ask questions, as I am now retired, and they got outsoursed!

Thanks again, Tom B the newbie.

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