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Styrofoam Dome Houses


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While I was snooping around Google Images, I came across Styrofoam Dome Houses. I ended up watching the video on it. Amazing! Never knew such a thing existed. I thought some of you may find it interesting.






If interested, here is the link:



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Nicely designed interior. :D They look odd on the outside; more like teletubby land.


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I wonder how long these last... also what about air conditioning since those seem to be out in the middle of the desert.

Currently the houses are manufactured in South Korea but apparently the company plans to have distributors in every country around the world. I think they probably mean many countries, not every country. According to the video, the styrofoam in itself provides excellent insulation.

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My family toured a foam house back in the 1980's. It looked like the foam houses in those pics, so not really a totally "new idea." It's one of those things if you see it, you'll never forget it. It was actually rather nice on the inside, but still rather weird looking compared to traditional housing.

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I wonder how that would hold up in a hurricane. :lol:

There was some group or company years ago that was testing a dome shaped housing structure in an actual hurricane, needless to say it wasn't made out of foam. It's all in the aerodynamics.

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There was some group or company years ago that was testing a dome shaped housing structure in an actual hurricane, needless to say it wasn't made out of foam. It's all in the aerodynamics.



Yeah I remember hearing about that.


There was also a dome house built somewhere south of Ft. Pierce that my friends and I passed one day when we went surfing. Haven't been that far south in over 2 years though so there's no telling if it's still around. It was pretty neat though.


The shape is definitely hurricane friendly...but I don't think a styrofoam one would work so well. lol

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