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Please help me get rid of this in a click.


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Hmm seems like you got rid of an Antivirus XP infection. What program did you use? I would recomend Malwarebytes RogueRemover to clear of all remnants.


Those 2 I see in the picture, you can just right click on them and click "Remove from list" :)

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Welcome mamister.


I too recommend MBAM so download then run its internal update function then run a Quick scan.


You may have to reboot to have locked files removed.


See Malwarebytes forum for help in removing stubborn infections:



Install SpywareBlaster and keep it updated at least envry two weeks:


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Hi all, thanks for the reply.


I have removed the infection but the short cuts still there, I do understand by right click it is possible to delete it,


but i am just curious about any method just like the clean shortcuts and startmenu functions in CCleaner?


startmenu cleanup the rest but not this 2 shortcuts.

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Hi all, thanks for the reply.


I have removed the infection but the short cuts still there, I do understand by right click it is possible to delete it,


but i am just curious about any method just like the clean shortcuts and startmenu functions in CCleaner?


startmenu cleanup the rest but not this 2 shortcuts.

Did you use MBAM to remove it and also to scan for anything else?

If you scanned, then yes delete it like any other shortcut.

:) davey

P.S. Don't forget to install SpywareBlaster like YoKenny recommended.

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Stuff pinned in that area of the Start Menu has to be manually removed.
Glary Utilities has a routine that will clean up obsolete Start menu items:


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Looks like no short cut for this shortcuts problem.... :lol:

Sorry, I was thinking more about was it safe to click on those Icons rather than where they were located.

With the other member help you will get it sorted now.

And don't forget SpywareBlaster.

Also come here for advice before you click on any other "free software". These members will tell you what is good and what is safe and where to get it.

Good luck,

:) davey

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