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Fred Fintstone Apps - Abandonware


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Some quite ancient software downloadable at the link below.


Probably useless to most but may bring back fond memories to any dinosaurs lurking here such as myself. ;)


MS DOS 6.22 (53250)

Windows 3.1 (38212)

MS DOS 6.22 ru (29975)

OS/2 Warp 4 (28904)

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (25117)

Vetusware - Abandonware

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Some quite ancient software downloadable at the link below.


Probably useless to most but may bring back fond memories to any dinosaurs lurking here such as myself. ;)


Vetusware - Abandonware

In the spirit of ancient processing, I thought I might contribute a little abandoned hardware.


Warning: Made by Greek Geeks



The first computer I made was made with matchboxes.(Not quite on par with the computer above)

:) davey

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OS/2 Warp 4 (28904)
I liked it and that's where I learned Internet Explorer (IE )

Then IBM's ill fated browser when Microsoft told IBM to take a hike.


I became quite good at configuring Communication Manager which was quite a powerful communication application that supported ASCI, BiSync dial-up and SDLC ( IBM's proprietary protocol )


When I left IBM in '98 I purchased a ThinkPad with Win95 that I promptly updated to Win98SE so that I could use IE.


Warning: Made by Greek Geeks
Beware of Geeks bearing gifs :lol:

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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