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This site is slooowww


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I thought this may be my fault, but no other site loads as consistantly slow as Piriform forums.


It really puts me off posting here as it takes at least a minute before I can logon and post a message, and that not counting the time it takes to load a full thread. Its almost dialup speed :(


Is this an issue with anyone else?

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Every now and then it will be really slow for me too. It's been doing that for years though, so you aren't the only one who has the problem.


"Every now and again" must be getting on for a month to me...


Sorry, visiting this site is getting to be more of a waiting game than anything else. I'm on the verge of giving up on it.



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Well I don't know what to tell you, other than perhaps visiting at some different hours as it could be an amount of traffic issue. It was supposedly fixed some time ago after it was complained about, but still it does get slow at times.

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Yeah it happens to me from time to time. But it happens at all forums...at least from what I've noticed anyway. So you're not alone.


I will say the only odd problem I have here, and only here, is the pages lock up for a few seconds when they load. But it's nothing I can't handle so I don't worry about it.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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Sometimes lately I have to log in twice :blink:

The first time I get the message "you are now logged in as..." and then Nothing :huh: I'm not logged in!

The second time logging in always works though :blink:

Anny one els having this happen?

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