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Speed-Up Your PC With The Notepad


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Don't know much about this but seems interesting. :unsure:


Haven't tried it as yet on this new machine as it works in a blink anyways.


Came across the vid below on how to speed up a pc with a .vbs file.



Had a google around but all I could find was something similar but with a different .vbs command.

Don?t forget to defrag your Ram every now and then when you?re on a PC. You can use a Visual Basic command to do so: all you need to do is create a text file on your desktop. Call it something like "Defrag Ram". Write:


and save as Defrag Ram.vbs

In this case you would recover 500 Mb ram (500000000) - never write a higher number than half your physical Ram. All you have to do from now on to defrag the ram is doubleclick the Defrag Ram.vbs file on the desktop.It might take a while to defrag (a couple of seconds)- don?t do anything till it?s done. A quick and easy way to get some Ram back .

FreeMem forum article

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guyz tell me if this good ?

open notepad and save it as a .reg file ( the name could be anything with a .reg extention)


this is what u type in notepad and save as name.reg


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}\InProcServer32]@=hex(2):00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To]@="{C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To]@="{C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell\DosHere]@="Command &Prompt Here"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell\DosHere\Command]@="%windir%\\System32\\cmd.exe /k cd \"%1\""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\Shell\DosHere]@="Command &Prompt Here"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\Shell\DosHere\Command]@="%windir%\\System32\\cmd.exe /k cd \"%1\""[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer]"Link"=hex:00,00,00,00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Notepad]"StatusBar"=dword:00000001[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Notepad]"fWrap"=dword:00000001[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]"AutoEndTasks"="1""HungAppTimeout"="1000""MenuShowDelay"="8""WaitToKillAppTimeout"="2000""LowLevelHooksTimeout"="1000"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"NoLowDiskSpaceChecks"=dword:00000001"ClearRecentDocsOnExit"=dword:00000001"NoRecentDocsHistory"=hex:01,00,00,00"LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo"=dword:00000001"NoResolveSearch"=dword:00000001"NoResolveTrack"=dword:00000001"NoInternetOpenWith"=dword:00000001[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control]"WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="2000"[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer]


after u save it .. open the file u just saved .. it will hopefully make ur computer faster maybe after a reboot ?

Simplicity is hard.

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Don't know much about this but seems interesting. :unsure:


Haven't tried it as yet on this new machine as it works in a blink anyways.


Came across the vid below on how to speed up a pc with a .vbs file.



Had a google around but all I could find was something similar but with a different .vbs command.


FreeMem forum article

Hi Humpty B)

I just made a (Defrag Ram.vbs) file as described in the "FreeMem forum article" and ran it from the Desktop.

I guess it worked, however I didn't notice any major speed or performance difference.

On a PC with less RAM it might help, my machine has 1GB RAM.

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There is no reason to free up ram like this.

Windows will do it on its own as needed.

Hi rridgely B)

I just wanted to see if it was worth doing.

I didn't notice extra performance so I deleted the file (Defrag Ram.vbs) that I made.

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Interesting comment in the discussion under the video:

Creating a small Visual Basic script to set mystring=(800000) will actually take up a bit more of your memory. here is why:


all your doing is telling the computer your creating a variable and giving it a value of (800000) so it will create this variable in memory using however much RAM prob 8bit and leaving it there until you restart your PC.... Notice you never release the variable.

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