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My startup amazes me!


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Years ago I pared my startup programs. The only Windows program that starts is HotKeysCmds. All other programs are my installed software, i.e. security apps, etc. I guess I don't understand why there aren't more Windows programs that need to start!


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I did some paring of my own recently. If it wasn't for my mouse, touch pad, and antivirus there would be nothing.





My total running processes. I don't think I can cut any more. Two of them (Process Explorer and Fastone Capture) are only running because I took this srceen shot.



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No startup entries are necessary for Windows to start up normally.


By the way, Anthony, you should try using your KB/Mouse without SetPoint. I have a Logitech S510 wireless 'desktop' and it works just fine without the software. I personally didn't like the software one bit when I installed it :).

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By the way, Anthony, you should try using your KB/Mouse without SetPoint. I have a Logitech S510 wireless 'desktop' and it works just fine without the software. I personally didn't like the software one bit when I installed it :) .


I am using a Logitech MX610 Laser Cordless mouse. It has 12 buttons I program and I use every one of them every day. Most of them don't work without the software. I couldn't live without my tilt wheel for horizontal scroll and that doesn't work without the software. Besides as you can see I am light on resources even with the mouse software. :lol:

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I did some paring of my own recently. If it wasn't for my mouse, touch pad, and antivirus there would be nothing.

I'm pretty sure you can disable that touchpad entry too. Looks like I have the same touchpad as you, there were two entries for mine - SynTPEnh and SynTPLpr. I've got that entry you've got disabled without any probs. Funnily enough though I've still got the other entry enabled cos I thought it was needed for the touchpad to work, have you got the SynTPLpr entry disabled in msconfig???

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I'm pretty sure you can disable that touchpad entry too. Looks like I have the same touchpad as you, there were two entries for mine - SynTPEnh and SynTPLpr. I've got that entry you've got disabled without any probs. Funnily enough though I've still got the other entry enabled cos I thought it was needed for the touchpad to work, have you got the SynTPLpr entry disabled in msconfig???


I only have the one entry for the touch pad in MS Config. I never attempted to disable it because I assume the pad would not work if I did. I haven't got much checked in MS Config anymore. It's looking pretty trim. :lol:




When I bought this machine there were over 50 processes running on it. I am down to 20 and I haven't lost any functionality.

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I only have the one entry for the touch pad in MS Config. I never attempted to disable it because I assume the pad would not work if I did.

According to Castle Cops the SynTPEnh entry is optional:

Synaptics touchpad tray icon. Displays status and provides quick launch to touchpad features such as scrolling and tap zones. Required on IBM Thinkpads with UnltraNav (pointstick and touchpad combo) if you don't want to loose the advanced pointstick features such as scroll"
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Hmm, maybe I will try to disable it and see what happens. Worst case I loose my touch pad until I re-enable it again.

Well having seen you running without the touchpad entry I've got I tried killing the entry in task manager, touchpad still worked fine. Took the plunge and disabled it it msconfig, restarted and still working fine. I now have neither of the touchpad entries running at startup and the touchpad is working exactly the same as before.

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Well having seen you running without the touchpad entry I've got I tried killing the entry in task manager, touchpad still worked fine. Took the plunge and disabled it it msconfig, restarted and still working fine. I now have neither of the touchpad entries running at startup and the touchpad is working exactly the same as before.


I will try tomorrow since I am heading out now. My touch pad only had the one entry to begin with. I didn't have two like yours so I wonder if they are much different? I will find out though. Won't surprise me though if it still works when I uncheck the entry in MS Config. I have killed of almost 40 processes and haven't had a problem yet.

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Well having seen you running without the touchpad entry I've got I tried killing the entry in task manager, touchpad still worked fine. Took the plunge and disabled it it msconfig, restarted and still working fine. I now have neither of the touchpad entries running at startup and the touchpad is working exactly the same as before.


Well I tried disabling this and lost the ability to scroll and tap. I could still use the mouse pad to move the cursor but I lost the advanced functions.

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Well I tried disabling this and lost the abaility to scroll and tap. I could still use the mouse pad to move the cursor but I lost the advanced functions.

I don't use any of the advanced functions, in fact I find them annoying, so thats one of the first things disabled after a reinstall.

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I don't use any of the advanced functions, in fact I find them annoying, so thats one of the first things disabled after a reinstall.


Did you check to see if they worked though after disabling the start up entry for the touch pad?

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Did you check to see if they worked though after disabling the start up entry for the touch pad?

No I didn't. Like I said I found them annoying. When I first got this computer I couldn't work out why I kept getting a pop up flash up on screen briefly. When I found it was a silly shortcuts menu that popped up if you touced the pad in a certain way or place I killed it off and do so after any reinstall.

I assume if you do want those functions you will have to leave it in startup.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What tool are you using?


I have StartUpCPL (not sure if that is correct though) ?





Those screen shots were CCleaner's Start Up feature. I use MS config, MS services, and Autoruns to control what starts and doesn't.

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