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CCleaner and my Anti Virus


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Hi every time lately - and only lately - I run CCleaner usually just before I log off, I get my Avast Anti Virus finding a trojan - or some such.


Someone suggested that it is because I leave the anti virus on - so tried it without. Nothing.


So what if it finds real ones as they are sitting in the chest right now.


Why they are only found when I run CC - usually in the FF cache.


I am not that up on these things so maybe someone can advise me.

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Avast and CCleaner are compatible, I myself use both as well as a few other forum regulars and nothing about incompatibilities has ever been brought up to my knowledge. Since Avast is picking up a Trojan only when running CCleaner it's probably because CCleaner is attempting to delete the Trojan from the browser cache which causes Avast to scan it (any antivirus' real-time protection is going to scan everything that's in the CCleaner Cleaner window) thus trigger something.


To find out if there's any infections on your system first follow these guidelines. Then post a HijackThis log in the proper forum area.

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Thanks for that. I had a look at the instructions and I already run SuperAntispyware.


I got rid of AVG Free because I had problems and Avast found them immediately when I ran it. So will not download that again.


As you say I get nothing if I turn off Avast when running CCleaner.


I am off line when I do it.


I have no infections except those in the Anti Virus Chest. Most of which were found first time I ran AVast.


I also run Spybot regularly.


so it must just be as you say seeing what is in the cache.


I use another on line scan service also regularly. :)


I do have some difficulty in running Avast as it is unusual but I will work around it. It certainly gives me confidence that it is working.


Happy with CCleaner and have used it for several years.

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I got rid of AVG Free because I had problems and Avast found them immediately when I ran it. So will not download that again.

If you've already had an infection recently it may be worth posting a HijackThis log as Andavari suggested anyway just to make sure there's no leftovers.


Are you still getting this AV warning when runing CCleaner with Avast running? (or did running it once with Avast off fix it)

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If you've already had an infection recently it may be worth posting a HijackThis log as Andavari suggested anyway just to make sure there's no leftovers.


Are you still getting this AV warning when runing CCleaner with Avast running? (or did running it once with Avast off fix it)


Yes ran cleaner last night with Avast on and got another warning about win.32:AGENT-GY (TRJ) and put in into my virus chest.


It was in my FF cache.

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If you turn off Avast and cclean all Firefox temp files it should be removed, unless its in use/active.

Then try again with Avast.

I agree with JDPower, post a hijackthis log.


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This is a hot topic over on the avast forum. So far it has 13 pages. The link is this http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=28377.0 . Many users WITHOUT true infections are reporting false positives while cleaning with CCleaner (including me). Avast! has somewhat solved the problem and the Win32:Agent-"G" series trojans which were detected while scanning with CCleaner are now seen as containing "no virus" in the virus chest. Avast! has yet to fix the problem with the false Win32:Agent-HAI [Trj] trojans being detected while scanning with CCleaner. I'm not sure which company is to blame, maybe both, but I hope that something gets worked out between the two companies instead of these false positives continuing.

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