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New Ozzy Album


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You can hear the new Ozzy album here:



You have to use IE7 because the site uses that dumb WMP active x control.


Ozzy might have made a fool of himself on TV but you can never deny the fact that he revolutionized and some argue created heavy metal with black sabbath. His voice is one of the most distinctive and powerfull in rock music ever, and hes still got it.


So far my first impressions from the songs I've listened to is that Zakk Wylde is deffitely one of the best hard rock guitarists around right now. The guitar is the best thing on all of the songs I've heard. Ozzy's vocals are great but so far none of the songs have really connected with me(lyrically).


I will say that if you liked his song Dreamer(which you should because its great), you will like Here For You.

I Dont Wanna Stop I had heard before and while not the best he has ever done and not exactly a deep song by any means, its going to be a great concert song. :D

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Starts off well then goes downhill badly. First two tracks are pretty good, in large part thanks to the stunning guitar work and riffs. 'Lay your world on me' would have been a bad song in the eighties let alone now. 'God bless the American dollar' - I hope thats deliberately ironic. And I'm just not buying the 'save the world' lyrical content considering they drive everywhere in huge 4x4s, race round on quads for fun and have their own private plane!


I don't dislike Ozzy or his music, this just seems a little cynical to me. Or maybe its just me thats cynical :P

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