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Peter CCleaner

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About Peter CCleaner

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  1. Hi @ctrl, thanks for raising this. It should be fixed now.
  2. Hi @keefwho, our payment processesor (Cleverbridge) can't find any emails that have been sent to your address recently. Are you able to share an example of the emails you've been receiving please?
  3. Hi @levikyer, there was a bit of a backlog with Support requests recently, but they're working through them. I've nudged them about this.
  4. Hi @LiamQ, I'm sorry about that. Could you direct message me (don't post here) with your email address that you sent the query about please? I'll ask Support about it.
  5. The builds page has been corrected. Thanks again, @Wisewiz!
  6. @Wisewiz, thanks for raising this. It's an infrastructure issue that we hope to have fixed tomorrow. Future releases will have the page updated correctly as usual.
  7. Hi, I promise no disrespect is intended. Speccy is just reporting what the OS tells it to. Can you let me know what you have in your registry at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo" please? Thank you.
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