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Posts posted by marmite

  1. - make a Macrium image from a working OS

    - install it on an old HD & make sure it runs

    Whatever the problem was I don't think it's Reflect per se; but it was certainly the restore that went awry. So if it were me I'd want to do my Reflect restore back onto the same drive; after all that's what Reflect is for.


    If that means that you clone your original drive so be it.


    For me, for this experiment to be reasonably conclusive, you need to do the back-up, the test restore and the nuke all on the same disk. Then see how the post-nuke restore goes.

  2. I generally keep large files on my desktop, I don't know about anyone else, and I think that is why it takes CCleaner forever to run the Scanning Desktop Shortcuts portion of the cleaning. If any developer could optimize it, that would be great.

    Scanning Desktop Shortcuts merely validates the shortcut targets. The size of those target files should be irrelevant. I think ident's test demonstrates that.



  3. 1 If Active@ Kill Disk or DBAN had been run against the HD, there would be no partitions to select? (post 8)

    2 But it wouldn't matter, as a Macrium restore image will restore to an unformatted hard drive? That so?

    3 If the HD had not been zapped before post 8, the Macrium image was not working even on the original OS.

    1 I believe so.

    2 I originally thought Reflect needed a partition. I've since learned I was wrong because Reflect will create its own - so I think your statement 2 is also correct.

    3 That is a very good question.


    We also don't know what MBR options were specified on restore, since Reflect offers three options. How many of them were tried?

  4. That's the problem - I have run Analyze and none of the files that are deleted appear to be McAfee files. I've even run CCleaner without having it remove the files in the Temp folder. McAfee still gets corrupted. (Actually, after CCleaner runs, McAfee will not properly bring up blocking/user-attention required messages at all.) But I've done numerous tests and I am absolutely certain now that CCleaner is deleting something that McAfee specifically needs.

    If you really want to get to the bottom of it, clear all of the CCleaner settings. Add them back in one at a time and run CCleaner after each one, then see if there's an effect on McAfee. At least then you should be able to identify which setting is causing you a problem.

  5. I have restored several machines using the USB flash to boot from. I no longer bother with the CD/DVD I only use the flash drive. I do this because some PC's I maintain for friends and relatives are net books with no optical drives and because Macrium updates the rescue CD periodically and it's no problem to reformat the flash drive and put the updated ISO on it. With the CD/DVD you either have to scrap it and use a new one or use a CD-RW/DVD-RW and they can be flaky to boot from which is why regular CD-R is recommended. Also Flash drives are so cheap now days and so small and boot faster than CD/DVD I see no reason to use discs any more for this type of thing.

    My restore was just a test, not out of necessity - so I was rather glad to see it go without hitch.


    Agreed about the USB advantages - particularly the ease of update. Also it's nice to be able to launch other isos from the same drive - becomes a recovery toolkit on a stick.

  6. ... the powerpoint presentation I just made that uses some of the new features of 2007(smart art, and some customized shapes) failed miserably.

    Interesting to know; the article mentioned buggy Excel, but not PPP. The words " But the really big news is that now - finally - this open-source suite offers full compatibility with files created using Microsoft's Office 2007" seem to fall somewhat short of reality!

  7. The reason for the exercise is that with 5 PC's on the network, 2 with DVD's attached (shared across the network) my main PC (the one refered to above) does not have any CD/DVD attached. So if this PC ever fails to boot from C and I need to "restore" my Macrium Restore image I simply need to fir the SATA CD/DVD unit from one of the other PC's. Hey I could always use a USB CD? Back to the drawing board.

    Out of interest ('cos I know you're the experimental kind ;)) you could try the pendrivelinux method - it's just as straightforward - you just need to run the install exe, copy the Linux recovery iso and alter the grub menu text file.


    When I get chance in a couple of days time (and I have another USB to hand) I'll be trying the UNetbootin approach on mine. I'd be curious to know if they behave differently.

  8. The point is many people will find that when they go to the BIOS settings to change the sequence they will not find the option to use a flash drive. They than assume their machine will not boot from a flash drive because they don't see the option for it in the boot sequnce.


    If they plug in the flash than reboot and access the boot menu they will see the flash drive as an option now and can boot from it. If your machine has a flash drive option in the boot sequence menu in the BIOS settings than great you can set it once and forget it.

    As you have correctly stated, people that can't access this option via the BIOS boot settings may well be able to do so via the BIOS boot menu. And that's fine.


    However other people may be able to access this option via the settings and find that they prefer to do that. And that's equally fine. This thread is simply a way of conveying the options available to people.

  9. On several machines I have tired this on the there was no option in the BIOS settings boot sequence for a flash drive. There was the HDD, the optical drive, and some others but no flash. This is why you need to plug in the bootable flash and than reboot and find the boot menu not the BIOS settings.

    Okay so that was enforced by the lack of a BIOS settings option.


    If you are able to boot using either mechanism then it's just down to user choice as to which mechanism they employ.

  10. No matter what I do the PC simply boots up in the normal fashion.

    For what it's worth, using the method outlined in the first post produces a drive recognised on my netbook as USB HDD.


    I take it when you see the BIOS menu (I'm assuming this is what your F12 key raises) you don't see your USB flash drive listed at all?


    Having sorted out the BIOS boot menu key, I can now boot via either that or by BIOS settings, where the only things I have ahead of the actual HDD are USB CD and USB HDD. But then I'm not using the UNetbootin method.

  11. First there is a very simple to understand tutorial right on the Macrium site on how to create a bootable thumb drive with the Macrium recovery disk ISO ... Surprised all the Macrium fans haven't seen it yet.

    Me too ... maybe some have ;)


    Though I suspect the mechanism that I found allows you to boot from multiple isos from the grub menu (I haven't looked at the Macrium post yet) ... which is just a bit of a bonus.


    Secondly, as for weather your PC can boot from a thumbdrive there is a few things to consider ...

    If I understand your post correctly, I believe I can do both from the same menu. I could re-sequence the available boot items, but I could also add into that mix other options that weren't part of that sequence.


    Edited to add: I had misunderstood. And I've now found the BIOS boot menu I see what you mean. In fact that method is discussed in the article I mentioned originally too; although I happened to resolve it by changing the BIOS boot settings.


    Many thanks for the info Anomaly.

  12. If you have a spare USB there's a sample ISO (memory test) on the initial install. So once you have run the 'install' against your USB stick that's taken care of as a 'test' USB.


    Just a case then of seeing whether the machine will boot off the USB. I think that must be BIOS dependent so I'm guessing that the newer the machine the more likely it is to support it. So for the netbook users, which is what this experiment was particularly aimed at, most should be okay.

  13. Like the Rescue CD it's something to test right through the restore process as some computers may not boot from USB. I've never tried with mine so I'll learn something.

    No I hadn't ... just a case of shuffling the BIOS settings to get the machine to boot from USB.


    This post is kinda starter for ten ... like everything else recovery-wise it needs to be tried out on your own machine. Most users will be quite happy doing a restore from a CD boot.

  14. For the curious ...


    I use Reflect on my netbook, which of course has no optical drive. Whilst I have an external USB DVD drive I don't carry it out and about. I started messing around with the notion of a Macrium system restore that didn't require an optical drive.


    After following this article ... http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple...-multiboot-usb/ ... I now have a USB memory stick loaded with several iso images for bootable recovery CDs, including the Reflect Linux iso image.


    I can now boot my netbook from the USB stick and happily restore my system partition Reflect image from my data partition ... which is rather nice :)


    I imagine most netbooks come with their own restore utilitity on a recovery partition (this one does), but I'd prefer to stick with Reflect.


    Note that not all isos that you might want to use may boot properly - I'm still experimenting at this stage. Certainly the Reflect Linux one is fine.


    Edited to add: Check out Anomaly's post below which gives a link to this Macrium-specific method for creating a USB boot stick ... http://www.macrium.com/blog/2008/09/23/How...uxUSBStick.aspx

  15. The mother of one of my colleagues was hit by this scam about a year ago. Fortunately she mentioned it to her daughter who told her to have nothing to do with them.


    It wasn't so much tech support as a sales pitch ... 'we know you've got problems on your PC ... let us sort it out ... for a small fee'! They harassed a little initially, but once they realised she wasn't going to bite they left her alone. It's one of those things where the unwary and the less PC savvy can get caught out.

  16. After reading about your experience I'm thinking it has something to do with the MBR, but don't really know for sure until Macrium officially state something about it.


    I'm actually surprised Macrium's Rescue CD won't help since it has the option to create a standard XP partition or something along those lines for restoring on my system rather than using what's in the rescue image.

    MBR has been my thought.


    But I agree I thought Reflect would have dealt with it. What I didn't realise was that Reflect doesn't actually need a partition, it can create its own, so there seems even less reason for failure. But that does seen to point more towards the MBR. I thought Reflect would have handled that because it backs it up in the first place.


    Unless it's physically damaged there's no reason why Reflect shouldn't be able to restore. Whether it can at the moment is obviously down to the software. The only obvious reason I can think of why it shouldn't in this case is restoring into a partition that's too small, but that didn't seem to be the case. But the error message seems more esoteric than that.


    The only people who can definitively tell us are Macrium, if they were interested enough to take it up. I tried to find the OPs post on their forums for more detail on their response, but couldn't find anything.

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