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Posts posted by marmite

  1. Yes, that's how I'm doing it. It doesn't give me an error. Just sits there and looks like it's going to do it, but never does. And then when I try to cancel it because it's been spinning for several minutes, it won't respond. so have to do a control/alt/delete and close it down.

    That doesn't sound too healthy. Have you tried restoring to the default IE settings? Bottom button on the Tools / Internet Options / Advanced tab.


    Edited to add: I'd do this by closing all browsers and going into Internet Options in Control Panel.

  2. The easiest way to to delete a service that is no longer needed is to use autoruns that can be downloaded autoruns here.

    I'm not sure how far autoruns goes (I'm assuming 'delete' remove the service exe / dll?, and maybe the Control Set entry?), but I'll wager it doesn't properly uninstall the service. There will probably be other other registry entries and files left hanging around. It may suffice as a fall-back but it's probably not the tidiest way to go.


    That aside, everyone should use autoruns anyway ... it's just one of those must-haves ;)

  3. What I meant was ...

    My comment wasn't a 'comeback' AJ :) ... just sharing a different view ;)


    I actually thought IE7 was a vast improvement over 6 (hence my return to IE). I don't think there's much to choose between 7 and 8. That's not really to say I'm a massive 'fan' - I'm just happy to stick with MS on this one.


    I have Firefox portable as a standby, though I should really try some other browsers sometime ;)

  4. I have process Explorer set to show what loads first timewise on my machine.


    In case anyone wants to do this in PE, select view>select columns>process performance tab>tick start time.


    Restart computer and look to see result.

    Not a view I've used in PE before ... interesting. You can actually just sort on that column without having to do a restart.

  5. Personally, IE6 was my last version that I enjoyed. IE 7 and 8 are bloated and slow. Firefox and Chrome are all I need :D

    I thought IE6 was featureless. I used FF back then but switched back to IE with tabbed browsing in IE7.


    Unfortunately I'm still stuck with IE6 at work ... large public-sector departments tend to move forwards at dinosaur pace and our corresponding dev environment is no exception.

  6. I use IE7Pro with IE8; that has ad-blocking built in and you can customise it yourself.


    (Beware; I believe IE8 needs a tweak to work properly with IE7. I had to do it but can't remember what it was. I was already well hooked on IE7Pro as a long-time IE7 user.)

  7. If you run Process Explorer with the /t switch it makes it start in the system tray.


    Ta - I dunno why but I never noticed that command-line switch before! Hence my previous post.


    As for running on startup just create a shortcut and then move this in the "startup" folder or create a startup key in:


    I think Corona's question referred to start-up order ... i.e. get Process Explorer to start first; which of course ain't so easy.

  8. I wish there was a way to make Process Explorer to


    2) Start up with just the tiny System Tray graph without having to first open up & then shrink the main apps' window

    You can - is your shortcut set to Run: Minimized?

  9. This topic has grown beyond anything I expected, and I'm now wondering if you guys know something else I'm missing. How to minimize it.

    You don't buy my explanation (#24) Dennis? I don' think it's meant to be the normal display mode.


    ETA: I'm with Richard - Process Explorer wins hands down.

  10. Next question.


    How can you minimize the tiny footprint?

    I think the whole idea is for when you're using it for specific monitoring purposes, rather than general usage. So you can take up just a little real estate in the corner of your screen for example. Obviously you then need to leave that mode when you're done.


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