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Posts posted by marmite

  1. I'm pretty certain it's the same as the paid-for version in this respect (though I haven't tried with the free version); you can create a rescue CD and restore the system from a Reflect image on an external USB drive - that's certainly how I've used it before.


    The 'Windows boot menu option' is simply an extension to your F8 boot menu.

  2. I know its no big deal on a half decent system but still some way above what Antivir uses here - two processes currently using 7Mb

    Avira is currently running 14Mb on mine :)

  3. Interesting little tool, got me Googling and came across NameBench. Gives a very thorough test to find the fastest reliable DNS servers. If only they could add the quick switching ability of DNS Jumper it'd be perfect.

    I tried Namebench a week or so ago; it seems to do a pretty comprehensive test.

  4. I Do This:

    o Start a command prompt with start, run, cmd.exe

    o Right Click Paste into the command prompt window this----> move "%userprofile%\desktop\ccleaner.lnk" "%allusersprofile%\desktop"

    This does not achieve the same result.


    As I understand the OP, their code cleans the entire set of user profiles in one pass (excluding the registry for all but the logged-on user of course).


    Your suggestion will provide a CCleaner link for any single logged-on user (as opposed to the out-of-the-box behaviour which provides a link only for the profile used to install CCleaner). In order to achieve the same effect as the OP's code, every user with a profile must log on and run CCleaner.

  5. You also have to have a valid "header" in .REG files otherwise they simply won't work

    Theat's true, although I believe the files in question are CCleaner back-ups, so file content shouldn't be an issue unless they have been edited.


    The encoding issue is one I've both seen and experienced when a reg file has been saved in notepad but in default ANSI format.


    Nic a glance at the header (just the first line) should confirm that it looks like one of the two values in Andavari's post..

  6. I think IE URL history and MRU are trash.

    You're missing my point.


    CCleaner's reg cleaner tries to identify inconsistencies in the registry; it's an integrity checker. IE URL history entries are not inconsistencies. Whether or not you want them there is neither here nor there.


    However these entries are not essential to registry integrity and contain data about users' browsing habits, so CCleaner does allow you to remove these via it's ordinary cleaning options. And this is as it should be.


    And many empty keys were not detected:


    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-456795690-10365130-2382912392-1006\Software\FreeDownloadManager.ORG\Free Download Manager\... [8 empty foldersinside]

    Why is this an issue? I have FreeDownloadManager installed. And yes there are many empty keys. But it is not any registry cleaner's responsibility to determine what keys are required by an installed program; whether those keys are empty or not. Any registry cleaner that does remove these is reckless.


    See this current thread for more discussion on empty keys ... http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=26546&hl=

  7. My opinion, FWIW:


    I had to laugh when I saw redhawk's post ... I very nearly added something very similar to this thread then changed my mind because I've said it all before. And I completely agree.


    (Ishi this comment isn't directed at you). There are many people who feel that unless the registry is 'like new' it's not working to it's optimum. Please excuse the lousy analogy (I'm a sucker for 'em) but it's like believing your car will drive discernibly more quickly when it's clean and polished than when it's dirty.


    By all means tidy the registry (not that it substantially needs it) but don't go overboard about it and more importantly don't get hung up that your PC is going to be so much the worse for wear unless you do it.


    As redhawk says, if you have a problem that's a different matter; but that's not what threads like these are about.

  8. Is there anyway I can create a test registry key outside of CCleaner and then see if it will merge with the registry ,that way I will know if its only with the CCleaner registry backups that Iam having the merge problem ?

    If it is an encoding problem (something I've seen before) it's not CCleaner back-ups causing the problem, but it's because there was a file association with notepad. Now that you've changed the association you shouldn't get any problems with CCleaner reg back-ups that you take in future.

  9. I went ahead and entered the registry fix (doughknox) and following the instruction listed in your repy it accepted it and said it had been entered to my registry ,now all of my registry enteries CCleaner backups are listed as opening with registry editor ! However when I try to add any of them (had several backups saved fropm CCleaner) I recieved a prompt that the "cannot import file to registry" could this be a problem now with CCleaner backups only ,do I have to try to merge each registry entry listed one at a time ? Please your futher help in this area would be greatly appreciated :-)

    Thank You Nic

    I think this is because of the previous notepad association. Try this with one file:


    Take a copy of it just in case. (Right-click then Copy then Paste).


    Open the file in notepad. Do File / Save As to get the Save dialog box open.


    Check the encoding ... it probably says ANSI. Change it to Unicode and save the file by overwriting (you already have a back-up copy).


    Double-click the newly saved reg file to merge it into the registry.


    If that works you can do the same with your other entries; though there's no need to keep taking copies once you've made sure it works.

  10. I have only encountered "unused extensions" when :-

    I have removed or un-installed an application or folder/file,

    OR if it is a data file that is used by a portable application.

    Create a file called my.fred


    Do a right-click on the file to bring up the context menu ... nothing more.


    That action alone (in XP at least) is enough to create a .fred file extension entry in in the registry!


    Files are created with all sorts of extensions for all sorts of reasons ... it doesn't take much for unusual extensions to get added to the registry.

  11. -IE Url History

    These are 'genuine' key values not registry inconsistencies: CCleaner removes those in the main cleaning operation.


    -User MRU lists (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\, WRC will list all files there, CCleaner only lists missing files)

    Then CCleaner is doing the better job. Again, the values for exiting files are 'genuine' values not registry inconsistencies.


    Sometimes less is more! There are no absolutes in registry cleaning software; only 'less safe' and 'safer'. CCleaner tries to be 'safer'! :)

  12. Yesterday after I updated CCleaner & ran the Registry Integrity, over 80 Missing MUI References popped up. Prior to the update, there were no registry "problems" after running the Registry Integrity. I am afraid to run the "fix selected issues" (in fear that my computer may not run properly or crash thereafter).

    Hi Joseph, welcome to the forums :)


    If you look here ... http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=26494&hl= ... you'll see that CCleaner's MUIcleaning has been improved, so it's probably just finding items that it missed at earlier versions.


    When you install an updated version of any software, it's often a good idea to see what the 'change log' is so that you know what to expect :)

  13. I have found TreeSize Personal to be a useful utility, because it can save a profile and then automatically compare it in detail with the current position. This does make it easy to compare like with like, right down to individual files.

    That is useful.


    Glad you're reconciled :)

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