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Posts posted by redhawk

  1. Reading from memory card would have no effect because you're not changing the contents.

    Recuva can only recover what it finds no different to any other recovery program the files are damaged beyond repair.

    If you want to try something else then I can recommend the following: Handy Recovery, DiskDigger (both freeware) and trialware tools by DiskInternals (Partition Recovery, Flash Recovery, Uneraser).


    Richard S.

  2. If the motherboard, CPU or GPU has a temperature sensor that's readable then any program should be able to extract the information.

    Unfortunately Speccy still lacks support for certain hardware / chipsets and doen't display temperature unlike other programs e.g SpeedFan.


    Richard S.

  3. Where you find the executable after downloading it can depend very much on what web browser you used.

    If it's Internet Explorer then Hazelnut's instructions should apply

    If it's Mozilla Firefox then press Ctrl + J and double click over "dfsetup120.exe" to run the installer.


    Richard S.

  4. As long as you don't write to the card then it doesn't matter how many times you re-run Recuva or any other recovery program.

    I can understand your situation though, the Smug Media card in my old digital camera crashed once and I lost many precious holiday pics of friends.

    There's only so much you can do with recovering files and while everyone would like to get back everything at 100% it's not always possible.


    Richard S.

  5. Yes it's installed but like I said needs "Print Spooler Service" due to a printer drive it installs.

    Since the error message was rather unhelpful I did some searching on the support forum to find the answers.

    I'm not sure what's causing your problems but have a look at the forum perhaps someone has a solution.


    While on the subject of creating PDFs I had no success with using Nitro any attempt at converting files results in the program crashing. :(


    Richard S.

  6. My laptop came preinstalled with OneNote 2003, needless to say it didn't last long on my hard drive. ;)

    I tried but hated OneNote so I replaced it with Office 97 Pro + Microsoft Filter Pack (for Office 2007 compatibility).


    Richard S.

  7. I think this one's closer :D




    Firefox strives to be the fully featured web browser but now they've removed Gopher support from their latest builds.

    Granted not many people use or have heard of Gopher but it's certainly not dead and should never had been removed IMO.


    Thanks for the plugin info I'll have to have a look at it sometime. :)


    Richard S.

  8. As far as I'm aware it's not possible to share the camera resource and use it elsewhere on the network as a web cam.

    You can however setup software to stream your web cam to be visible anywhere on the network using software.

    There are plenty of software solutions however if you want something quick and simple then I recommend Windows Media Encoder 9.


    On the web cam PC you just select the video bit rate, frame rate you prefer as well as encoding the audio if you have a microphone.

    On the viewing PC you just need Windows Media Player or VLC media player and then open the steaming URL into your player.


    Richard S.

  9. While on the subject of Foxit has anyone tried their PDF Creator??


    It won't install on my PC or VirtualBox I've also tried earlier versions of the software but same problem.

    It starts to install but halts stating I need administrator privileges which is bs because I am administrator.


    FYI: it turns out it was kicking a fuss because I had disabled the "Print Spooler Service" doh. :blink:


    Richard S.

  10. Recuva always states "Excellent" if clusters are not in use by other files it doesn't always guarantee that at some point the files cluster haven't been overwritten.

    If you want to verify valid Windows executables then select a file from Recuva and look at the "Header" tab on the right it should show "MZ" at the start and a few lines down "This program cannot run in DOS mode".


    Richard S.

  11. The files recovered are damaged that is why the icons don't show and Windows treats them like MS-DOS COM files.

    It's not possible to repair files of this type, only to reinstall the software would be the solution.


    Richard S.

  12. If you want to fix the speed problems Recuva isn't the answer the files you have deleted even if recovered wouldn't be usable.


    There could be a number of reasons why your machine is acting slowly:


    -Using generic IDE/SATA drivers instead of the motherboard drivers.

    -IDE transfer mode is PIO Mode instead of DMA.

    -hard drive pending eventual failure.

    -Malware infection hogging the CPU and downloading crap to your computer.

    -Incompatible or buggy device drivers.


    What version of Windows and service pack are you using??


    Have you done a Windows update yet??


    Do you have any Anti-Virus software installed and performed a full scan??


    Richard S.

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