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Posts posted by ePost

  1. Personally I don't like cookies and temp files. I delete them all with CCleaner. I often times block cookies all together via IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced. A cookie is a document. Should a document be installed on my PC or not? Well, I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. The cookies I want is kept in CCleaners "Cookies to keep". The rest is deleted or not let in at all in the first place.


    Think about that: who are those people who installs documents on you PC? Are you really sure you want them to do that?


    Note: blocking cookies will give you problems on CNETs pages. Also known as download.com. And if you want to post a comment on a site or login you'll need to activate cookies or let the cookie into CCleaners "to keep". Sometimes you'll need to enable cookies in order to download. Other that that there are no issues.


    Also: all deleted cookies will come back the next time you visit the place. If there's something you don't need to worry about it's getting enough cookies, that's for sure...

  2. I'm assuming you run XP:


    1. Try to defrag in safe mode. That sometimes work. It takes longer but the result is much better.

    2. Run CCleaner first. That will also help a bit.

    3. Do you have old programs that you don't use anymore? Uninstalling those will also contribute to a solution.

    4. There is an application called Secunia PSI. Installing that and running it in Advanced mode can sometimes reveal leftovers form old Java, Flash etc. Getting rid of those will give you a bit more space. Link: http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/

    5. If you're sure you don't have any malware deleting old restore points can help a lot

    6. Delete the icon cache file, IconCache.db. It rebuilds by itself but will be smaller in size. Path: Documents and Settings/Username/Local Settings/Application Data

    7. Visiting the scanner in my signature will also help.

  3. A new version is out: a-squared http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/



    Version - 10/7/2009 - for Windows XP, 2003/2008 Server, Vista and 7, full functionality on x64, 55 MB


    Source: http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/download/


    Supports even Windows 7 and all 64-bit OSes! :lol: Rumor has it that the number of false positives are under control now and has been for a while. We'll just have to hope it's true.

  4. Running CCleaner and Defraggler regularly is always a good idea. This might very well help. But if something is blocking your access you should also scan for malware. Microsoft runs a free online scanner that is very useful. It's a bit difficult to change language because it redirects to the wrong site but it's necessary to scan in the same language as one's OS. Links:


    CCleaner - last download link: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds

    Defraggler - last download link: http://www.piriform.com/defraggler/builds

    Microsoft free OneCare online: http://onecare.live.com/site/en-us/default.htm

  5. Let's not panic here. You can backup the registry with CCleaner. You can backup the registry with Erunt. You can use System Restore. You can use Last Known Good Configuration. You can do a repair install. You can run check disk. You can run scannow. And more.


    We're not exactly short of options here.


    Besides: CCleaner is perfectly safe. Nothing bad ever happens.

  6. It is safe to let CCleaner remove the keys that it found by ifself. I don't think you should remove any other keys. The key you mention should stay. Also there's a safety net. CCleaner will backup the registry so that you can reverse the removal. And as always there is system restore should all else fail. Which it won't.


    But why not let Microsoft remove obsolete Microsoft keys? Windows knows best as they say. Microsoft run a free online scanner that can remove malware, crab files, obsolete registry keys, defragment and more. You can get it all if you go for a full scan. OneCare has hidden talents because only Microsoft knows what keys are genuinely obsolete. So don't be surprised if the scanner finds several hundred the first time: http://onecare.live.com/site/en-us/center/whatsnew.htm


    CCleaner and the free OneCare online are the only 2 safe regclearners this planet has.

  7. connected to my network via a router

    Is there a hardware firewall inside that router? I ask because you wrote that Defraggler can't see the external hard drive. Is there an other way of connecting it for as long as the defrag is running? It's a long shot and I'm just guessing.


    Is there any freespace on that external hard drive? A defragging process needs room for maneuvering...

  8. Thanks for the screenshot. You should post a resume of this in the Bug report section - you already have the screenshots uploaded - ready for documentation. It's very interesting. :D And usefull information for the Defraggler developers...

  9. Funny. Windows 7 must have hidden talents in it's boot functions? Or was it Defraggler that did it? Please run analyze and then click the File list tab just to be sure. Still not fragmented?

  10. Windows 7RC, Build 7100. I tried Defraggler - that made no difference at all. I tried to download the WIndows One Care - said my OS wasn't compatible (and yes, I tried the Vista/Windows 7 version).


    Well, yes the free online scanner does install a small support program in order to run. But there are some redirect issues that occur when a user needs to change the language. In some countries people are sent to the old site where they used to sell some OneCare programs. I hope this isn't what happened to you?

  11. I don't know how to make sense of a Defraggler log but this could be a driver issue? Secunia PSI keeps track of the most important updates. It's a fine freeware: https://psi.secunia.com//


    Microsoft Update will also offer essential driver updates if you click the Custom button. Not the Express button. Link: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/


    However: it is usually recommended that you update drivers from the vendors site...

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