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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. DVD-RAM drive comparisons:



    I wouldnt get one of those actually. Mostly because in about 1-2 years the new HD DVDs and Blu Ray DVDs will be out and those drives will be obsolete.




    I agree about the waiting part. I should have waited before getting a home dvd recorder, hence the 2 hour SP mode and 1 hour XP mode really aren't good enough quality for me since I can see the compression, or is it called compression errors. However, current DVD technology which has already reduced in price will be even less expensive when HD, and Blu Ray are released, some already are I got my buggy JVC home dvd recorder for $299 USD. Also when HD, and Blu Ray are released they are supposed to be backwards compatible, however older devices won't be able to play the new format.




    Don't get a JVC home dvd recorder they have a weird loading bug and will refuse to erase/format DVD-RW's after they've already been erased/formatted a few times.

  2. what about skins?




    I'd think skins would bloat the application download size, it's an amazing program for it's mere size. I'm not trying to shoot down your recommendation, however if you want a Disney looking GUI I'd say make it and optional component/plugin.

  3. Even though I'm across the pond the attack hit home since there's many Brit's on this forum, and many others in other forums I've become familiar with. I was first wondering if everyone in the CCleaner family from the U.K. was alright since I had just logged off and turned on CNN. Then interviews they did with some survivors whom were visibly wounded made it all the more personal when they went into details about what they experienced.


    Wish you all well, and your sister nation the U.S.A. is with you!

  4. LCD should last many years longer than CRT.


    Whenever I use my old Win98 computer the CRT screen really gives me some eye trouble, it looks ultra fuzzy when compared to the sharp and crisp display my LCD produces. I think my need for stronger glasses each year was caused by using a CRT monitor for a little over five years.

  5. This information is for you DjLizard


    I had a constant file extraction issue with Office 2003 everytime I would launch one of Speek's Frontends for command line audio related programs.




    The only solutions that I found was to:


    1. Input into cleaning programs to exclude the file: opa11.bak

    Note: If opa11.bak is deleted it will trigger a missing file dialog when launching certain programs that rely upon Office installed system files such as mscomctl.ocx ("Windows Common Controls ActiveX Control DLL"), and perhaps other files which I was never able to determine which are installed by Office, not necessarily just Office 2003.


    2. Copy all the .msi and .cab files from the Office 2003 install CD to a folder on the hard disk "C:\DRIVERS\OFFICE" and when I was asked again for the install CD I simply pointed to "C:\DRIVERS\OFFICE" and was never again bothered with a prompt to insert the install CD.

  6. That can happen if too many programs are running. It can also happen much easier if say for instance you are scanning with Ewido and your antivirus resident shield is still active. The scanning process is taking up so many resources because while Ewido is scanning it's also causing your resident shield to scan every file Ewido scans.


    Edit: I also experience "page peeling" with Spybot SD during the update process when trying to move the update dialog. Perhaps it's using a higher than normal thread priority.

  7. I tried it out and it was interesting. The only thing peculiar is when it gave recommendations of fixing SQL Server settings which aren't even accessable on my system due to the fact I don't have a way to edit the settings as suggested in MBSA. I don't know if SQL Server has to be installed individually or not. The only SQL related item I have is listed in services.msc as SQLAgent$MICROSOFTBCM.

  8. If drive E:\ is a cd/dvd drive you need to use the option on the bootdisk to load cd drivers, which will allow you to access your cd/dvd drive within MS-DOS mode. Note: When in MS-DOS mode be careful, drive letters may get bumped back one or more letters.

  9. Because I'm seriously thinking WinXP is the last Microsoft operating system I ever intend to use I'd like to know if Linux is as easy to use as Windows, or at the least somewhat similar to Windows?


    Edit: The reason's I want to eventually switch is because Windows is laden with non-stop security issues and bugs. And since there's a plethora of open source Linux applications available.

  10. Another idea would be to perhaps implement mouse-over help/descriptions for the icons located on the left for people new to CCleaner.

    Example (Issues):

    "Issues will locate obsolete entries in the registry giving you the option to remove them."

  11. If a firewall is hard to configure it might be because it is complex and offers great flexibility so that can be a good thing.




    A "hard" configuration I've never had a problem with since I had some pretty strong blocking rules when I used Tiny, Kerio, and Sygate, and I understood very early on which protocols and ports to block so the difficulty of configuration is a moot invalid point for me. I was only pointing out the difference of Outpost Personal Firewall, which at first glance seemed alien in configuration when compared to Tiny, Kerio, Sygate.


    What I was getting at is manually configuring a firewall is a royal pain in the bullocks, hence there's a much higher probability of making input errors (user error) that will leave a system vulnerable. Having had and used some custom rule sets as long as my arm I know how much goes into making sure everything is correctly inputted especially when blocking some pesky ultra annoying IP addresses, and IP ranges I deemed unsafe.

  12. Scrubbing the registry won't work if you don't know where it stored the trial over entry, neither will any registry cleaner. There's usually always a free, or open source alternative that works on par or better than a trial/commercial version.

  13. System restore has a set amount of hard drive space that is used for restore points (which is adjustable by the user), maybe it just happened that the restore point created by CCleaner needed all that space, therefore removing all previous restore points.




    Since I only allow System Restore to maintain approximately 5 backups at any given time I've never ran into it removing old restore points to comply with the space setting it's configured for. Since using CCleaner I've never seen a restore point added from it's installation, I've noticed this behaviour from different types of installers, for instance Inno Setup doesn't trigger the automatic creation of a restore point at least it doesn't with the installation packages I create.


    A question: Does System Restore automatically remove old restore points once the maximum allowed disk space is used without notifying the user, or does it notify the user?

  14. Note that I used 'xcopy' since Microsoft claims 'copy' will not handle a zero-length file.




    Thanks, learnt something new! I was wondering why the file when copied would automatically get a filesize, now I know why.


    Updated script

    (added xcopy without prompting, and archive attribute since the original file created by ZoneAlarm has the archive attribute set):


    cd "%windir%\Internet Logs"

    xcopy /y "tvDebug.1" "tvDebug.log"

    attrib +a "tvDebug.log"


  15. Maybe you lens needs cleaning if it have trouble reading, there are special discs that you insert into the CD-ROM drive that has a little brush on the disc that cleans the lens on the drive.




    Those cleaning discs are known to kill CD and DVD disc drives, it doesn't matter if it's on a PC, or a beloved gaming console.

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