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Everything posted by LuLu

  1. Very gorgeous indeed! And free is good, Dennis! As the saying goes - if it's for free, then it's for me!
  2. Holy crap! Sounds like a download on dial up. LOL By the way - where'd you get that wallpaper?
  3. Hehe thanks! I love to screw with people. Muahahaha *evil grin*
  4. I enjoy writing them back including false information...like using the police station's address and phone number as my own.
  5. lol Glad you guys enjoyed it!
  6. A wealthy couple had plans to go to an evening ball. So they advised their butler to have the evening off. The couple went to the ball and dinner. After an hour and a half, the wife told her husband that she was horribly bored and that she preferred to go home. The husband responded that he had to stay for a few more hours to meet some very important people who were his new business partners. So the wife went home alone and found the butler spread out on the couch watching TV. She slowly moved towards him and sat down very seductively. She then told him to come closer. She moved forward and whispered in his ear. "Take off my dress," she said. "Now take off my bra..." "Next remove my shoes and stockings." "Now remove my garter belt and panties" She then looked deep into his eyes and shouted, "Now, the next time I catch you wearing my clothes, you're fired!!!"
  7. LuLu

    User Ratings?

    LOL pity rating is better than no rating!
  8. LuLu

    User Ratings?

    Someone gave me a 5 star rating. I feel so special now! *blushes*
  9. LuLu

    User Ratings?

    You and me both CeeCee. No stars for me either.
  10. Round headlights and an open mouth grille. lol But seriously, do they look alike? Not really. I can see a slight resemblance though. The new one is just that - new. Its's more modern, more streamlined. One can tell they modeled it after the old body style, even though the resemblance isn't that great.
  11. That thing is bad a$$. I want one!! *drools*
  12. LOL depends on the girl's sense of humor.
  13. LuLu


    I can try. haha Sure!
  14. Ehh, you're never too old for some bling.
  15. LuLu

    Forum Down

    Games? Playing outside? What fun is that? I'd have much rather sat in the house reloading the page to see if the forum will load again.
  16. LuLu


    Welcome aboard, Linda! Glad to have you here.
  17. Yeah I've heard the same from friends who have gotten inked. But I have a very low tolerance for pain, so some have told me I may feel more pain than annoyance. Oh I agree. Getting a tat is a big decision, so if one is unsure about it, then they need to spend some time thinking about it and not just acting on impulse. And having the option of removal is good, but shouldn't be abused either.
  18. I saw this too! The designs are amazing, to say the least. But I couldn't do that either.
  19. LuLu

    Forum Down

    I think it just means your addicted. But I can't say much anyway, since the night the board went down I had NO clue what to do with myself. haha Now THAT is sad.
  20. LuLu

    Backup :)

    LOL I love these.
  21. I remember watching something on TV about a Samoan tribe (I think) and how they use a pointed piece of wood as a needle and a rock as a hammer and they basically pound the color into their skin. Very beautiful work afterwards, but I am so glad I'm not someone who has to endure that kind of pain.
  22. You and I are definitely in the same boat when it comes to #1. As for #2, I can think of some things I wouldn't mind looking at the rest of my life, but at the same time, it's not always going to look the same for the rest of my life. But the beauty of a tattoo is you can get it someplace where you don't have to see it. lol If I could actually stand it, I'd get my design on my lower back, but there is no way I could live through that. My back is so sensitive just to clothing and finger tips that I don't even want to imagine what a needle would do. The horror!!! edit - This is the "tattoo" I got on my cruise in June. Gotta love body paint!!
  23. That's actually a pretty scary thought. lol My friend's dad has a couple of tats, and they look kinda awful (faded and mis-shaped mostly). But he got those quite a few years ago when he was in the military, so you can definitely see the difference in the work between those tats and the ones they can do now. Funny part is I'm not really a fan of tattoos. I mean, some of the artwork is absolutely beautiful, but still, there's just something about them that doesn't really grab me and make me NEED one, ya know? If I ever do one, it'll be just one and you'll probably need a magnifying glass to see it. LOL
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