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Posts posted by ishan_rulz

  1. Methinks CCleaner should be able to confirm left over folders/keys with the "Installed Programs" list; the only Pros to the current 'bug' is that we know that there is something leftover. :lol:


    I just removed the leftover keys of Adobe Photoshop CS4 last week after seeing I have both installed. :huh:

  2. After googling:



    it seems to be a driver (which might get solved) problem but I can't understand why it has affected certain profiles only. I can't make heads or tails of the fix as I know nothing about Forum hosting.


    The developers can consider an upgrade or fixing the driver. http://www.invisionpower.com/products/board/ $150 might be a bit heavy though. O.o

  3. SumatraPDF wouldn't be so bad if it didn't keep saying "Please wait - rendering..." every time I page up page down or resize the pages.

    I've removed it though with UPX decompression and modification with a hex editor. :)


    Can anyone recommend a good free PDF creator that doesn't watermark the output file??


    Richard S.

    I am using Foxit Creator but you should try doPDF.

  4. I was just helping friends with optimizing their PCs and made a "To-do list", so can anyone tell me if I need to add anything else?




    CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. This software is a must for Windows.


    Download Page.


    1. Run CCleaner.

    2. Tools> Start up> Disable unwanted programs.

    3. Tools> Uninstall> Uninstall unwanted bloatware.

    4. Run CCleaner again.



    1. <span>Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus. </span>Download Link.

    2. <span>Avast! Free Antivirus. </span>Download Link.

    3. <span>Microsoft Security Essentials. </span>Download Page.


    Antispyware (This is required along with an Antivirus.)


    1. <span>Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. </span>Download Link.

    2. <span>SpywareBlaster.</span> (along with the Antispyware.) Download Link.


    Auslogics Disk Defrag (Defragmentation)

    Download Link.




    Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome


    Use Adblock Plus with Firefox to block the ads. (You can get this in the add-ons.)


    Foxit Reader


    Adobe Reader is a heavy tool and is often targeted by virus-makers for its vulnerabilities. Use Foxit Reader instead, its smaller and better. Download Link.

  5. Depends on what Browser you are using, why don't you read CCleaner Docs (the link is in my signature)...

    For IE, it is under the Windows Tab and if its Firefox/Opera/Chrome,etc... check under Applications.

    The available options are quite self explanatory.


    Welcome to the Forums. :)



    P.S. You can always add cookies to the 'Cookies to Keep' list as well.

    Settings > Cookies.

  6. MrDon please keep on topic which is the one you made yourself, namely what you would like to see in ccleaner and not your assessments of Windows 7 features.

    Dude, seriously! Its like you DESPITE Windows 7. Wherever '7' is mentioned you start to write down your thesis on how XP is better, etc.

    In Windows 7, when CCleaner is running in background, it shows a progress bar on the Superbar.


    I haven't understood some things that you have written but a +1 to the icon in the Start Up List.


    P.S. Use some spacing between different points to make it more readable and friendly to the eye.

  7. @Login123 - I can confirm what your saying. I just fired up a virtual machine with IE 7 and as soon as I visit that website I get the same thing.


    I must admit I know very little about this myself and find the thought very scary (I give it 6 months before some advertising network latches on this and starts doing this exact thing). However, this would be the sort of thing CCleaner could defeat unlike most browser's delete your browsing history. Browser clear your caches would most likely not touch the flash LSO's, the silverlight ones either. So it would need some sort of cookie cleaner to do so.


    @ishan_rulz - I assume what its done is read your cookies. From your cookies it would be able to determine lots of sites youve been to. As each cookie is related to a domain. If your internet settings are not high enough, then I assume it would be able to read stuff quite easily. What browser are you using out of curiosity? I tried to get it to read my history in a virtual machine for IE 7 (by making it a trusted website) and Firefox without any luck. Does Java load by chance when you visit the website?


    It does know exactly which pages I visited, but after I ran CCleaner it couldn't find anything.


    Firefox w/ Adblock AND ESET Smart Security 4.

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