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Posts posted by MrG

  1. On vacation, but with laptop :)


    The code conversion of CC is now complete, the new GUI is going in and we're internal testing. External testing will begin in a few weeks. I'll get some screenshots out as soon as it's ready.



  2. Thanks for the detailed info. The problem is with Skype and Windows Installer. It is installing registry keys in an incorrect location.

    However there is a neat workaround in CC that I can add into the next release to prevent it being picked up.


    So consider this fixed in 1.41, unless Skype fix it first! :)

  3. Hi all,


    Just to keep you posted CC v2 development is still under wraps, but we're looking at a public

    release before the end of July. Between now and then we'll release more details and screenshots! :D



  4. v1.40.520

    - Fixed problem with Vista UAC compatibility.

    - Fixed bug in Secure Delete when emptying Recycle Bin.

    - Fixed bug in Secure Delete with 0 byte files.

    - Fixed bug in Uninstall Tool with non-standard entries.

    - Resource file loading optimizations.

    - Updated Windows Live toolbar cleaning.

    - Added Bulgarian translation.

    - Updated several translations.

    - Updated installer engine.

    - Minor bug fixes.


    The download will go up in the next few hours. :)



  5. Hi all,


    Coding for CCleaner v1.40 is nearly complete and this version should improve (again!) the compatibility with Vista so that it can run correctly at start-up and won't require Administrator access.

    Estimated time to delivery... 7 days.





  6. Yes this will go into the next release :)





    I translated the bulgarian version of the program with the Piriform Online Translator. The translation is ready!


    Will be the bulgarian translation integrated in the new version of the program?






    Radoslav Botev


    Bulgaria, Pleven!

  7. Okay testing has nearly finished on the next release. So here's the current change log...



    - Rewritten secure deletion code, now over 2x faster.

    - Performance improvements deleting Internet Cache.

    - Fixed bug in Recycle Bin cleaning.

    - Fixed overflow error with a large number of temp files.

    - Added AntiVir PE Classic and Premium cleaning.

    - Removed PerfectDisk 8.0 cleaning.

    - Optimized file size for language DLLs.

    - Added Bosnian translation.

    - Added Macedonian translation.

    - Updated several translations.

    - Minor bug fixes.





  8. Hi,


    We don't have any Recuva link images yet, but here's the Paint Shop Pro file from the CCleaner link, so if anyone's creative enough they could build one. :)


    I'm not sure what the font was.




  9. Hi everyone,


    Just to let you know the v1.39 release of CCleaner will be out next week. The release has been delayed slightly as we're now developing two versions at once... the existing build and a new super fast complete rebuild... v2.0.

    I'll post more details when they're available.





  10. v1.01.037 Beta

    - Fixed crash error when scanning.

    - Fixed errors in filtering text.

    - Fixed errors while recovering files one after the other.

    - Fixed issues with Win2k.

    - Updated the method for reading volume free space.

    - General improvements to memory handling.

    - Fixes to memory management in treeview mode.

    - Updated the size of the options/about dialog and controls.

    - Added "Ignored files" count display to the status.




    Please let me know whether this fixes your issues. :)



  11. Hi all


    The current change log is as follows:



    - Fixed resize crash at very high resolutions.

    - Optimized Firefox cookie cleaning.

    - Fix bug with language setting in INI file.

    - Scanning performance tweaks.

    - Updated several translations.

    - Vista compatibility fixes.

    - Minor bug fixes.


    Should be out in the next few days along with a new Recuva beta release.





  12. Hi all,


    The forum is now fully Piriform branded, rather than just focusing on CCleaner. The domain is now forum.piriform.com, but don't worry, all old links will automatically forward so you don't need to update anything.


    Additionally we have setup two shortcuts to the CCleaner and Recuva sections:




    Lastly if you don't like the new skin, you can revert back to the old one, using the drop-down box at the bottom left of the page.





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