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Been trying out RunScanner with the author looking for beta testers.


Very stable and working fine here ATM.Sorta like a Hijackthis/Autoruns/Security Task Mananager on steroids and free.

RunScanner is a completely free windows system utility which scans your system for all configured running programs.

You can use runscanner to detect autostart programs, spyware, adware, homepage hijackers, unverified drivers and other problems.

You can import and export your results and let other people help you to solve your problems.



* Scanning of 73 startup/hijack items.

* Fixing of invalid entries.

* Process killer (kill multiple processes at once).

* Host file editor.

* Verification of file signatures.

* MD5 hash calculation of files.

* Online lookup of scanned entries.

* Whitelist filter.

* Online rating of found entries bases on MD5 hash.

* Import / export of .run files.

* Log file saving.

* Upload of reports and check with the online database.

Authors invite to test link


RunScanner Home

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Its kind of interesting.

I'm not sure if these are 2 good types of programs to merge though.


The main thing I was interested in was how it saved logs, and to be honest I would rather look through a hijackthis log than this programs log. Of course it might just be because I'm used to hijackthis, but the formating wasn't very good to me.


I don't see myself ever using this instead of autoruns/process explorer/ or hijackthis though.

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The main thing I was interested in was how it saved logs, and to be honest I would rather look through a hijackthis log than this programs log. Of course it might just be because I'm used to hijackthis, but the formating wasn't very good to me.


Hi, the text log is there because people asked for it. If you have suggestions for improvement of the file, please let me know.


The .run file is far more superior, because it contains all information (more than you could ever put in a text file)


PS. Meanwhile build is uploaded.

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  • 5 months later...

ver. is out. download and changelog is:




It kind of grows on you. :) . . .but as far as I can tell, it does try to phone home/microsoft/somebody if you are on the 'net when you run a scan.

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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ver. is out. download and changelog is:




It kind of grows on you. :) . . .but as far as I can tell, it does try to phone home/microsoft/somebody if you are on the 'net when you run a scan.


I assume the phone home bit is similar to Process Explorers "on line analysis" after a scan.

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