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Can you disable driver updater from CHECKING for outdated drivers CCleaner free?


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I am using the latest version of CCleaner free.  I had been a long term user of the paid version but then stopped using it a couple years ago because they started having too many nag screen pop-ups despite my paying for a licensed version and none of tech support's fixes seemed to work, besides deleting the app and going with the free version.  

I loaded the free version and have not really been plagued with too may, although more recently, I seem to get a pop-up every time I load CCleaner telling me how many outdated drivers I have.   More annoying that that, is that in about the same time period, the first 15-30 secs when I launch the app, it seems all the buttons to run the cleaner are grayed out, because perhaps the app is busy scanning my computer.  (th8is never used to happen.  I used to be able to run the cleaner portion of the app almost immediately after launching the app.   Is there any way to disable these scans (and the nag screen about the drivers).  I realize that unless I upgrade, it will not update the drivers, but I never used that feature (and don't plan on it) any time in the near future (or distant future).  Thanks. 

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Going offline before opening CCleaner would probably be the simplest way.
If it can't contact the update servers then it has nothing to check against so won't scan.

Another way would be to let it scan then click the arrow(s) to show what it found, click 'Details' for each one, and then 'Pause updates' for it.
That should stop it from scanning for that particular driver, you'll have to do it for each one it's found.
(The screens are the same in both Free and Pro).




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I assume that pausing the update ONLY affects the CCleaner checking of the updates and has nothing to do with Windows or other apps updating or checking for updates?   

I do not plan on allowing CCleaner to update anything, so pausing really should have little consequence. (unless I am misunderstanding what it is doing, or missing something).   CCleaner never used to search my computer for drivers, as far I know.   I have been using CCleaner either free or paid for for many years and it is only in this last year that I have had these issue with the delayed starting and the popups nagging me to update my 22 or 26 drivers. (and this is even on a 1 year old high end Dell XPS, as well as my older desktop.  

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It's a CCleaner updater so those settings only affect CCleaner not Windows update or the apps themselves.

As for the rest - CCleaner has been changing over the years, all apps change over time.

Those changes in CCleaner have been more frequent in the last several years, with things being added on to the point where it is now quite different from what it used to be.
(Changes to any software sometimes get to a point where you have to decide if you want to use that particular software anymore or not).

PS, I believe that Dell's can be pretty touchy about drivers, so you are probably best sticking with the ones you have already that you know work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went through the entire list and disabled each and every one individually, even the drivers there were not listed as needing updates.....and NOW I am getting the same message for APPS or Software.    I do suggest that they consider adding a single toggle switch to TURN these scanners off entirely.    It both wastes time and slows the system down while it is scanning, plus these nag screens are a bit annoying, plus I have ways to update my drivers and software.   

If anyone knows of a competing software.....that just scans and cleans and has a white/black list for cookies, please let me know.  This app seems to have become bloatware over the years.  I used to use a Webroot app called Window Cleaner, but I do not think that still exists. 


I have been a long term user of CCleaner, many of those years with the paid version. 

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