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CCleaner Registering failed following renewal of subscriotion.

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My renewal of subscription was made on Jun 28, 2024, the payment Cleverbridge Reference No.{redacted for security}, for 2 - year CCleaner Professional Plus bundle including Kamo + 24/7 Live Support and Cashback, new License Key received by email together with downloads of CCleaner and Kamo.

Following downloading and installing, CCleaner Screen Page of "Activate Your License" was shown with the old license key filled in the license box. My new license key was copied and pasted replacing the old license key, the registration failed. CCleaner Technical Information suggests to find a new CCleaner Page of "ACtivate New Key" , the page was not found anywhere in the page.

Support@CCleaner.com, advised to uninstall, download and reinstall CCleaner Professional again. the advice has been followed as suggested, and the registration of my new license failed again, the same as above.

Please be informed that my old license key will expire on September, 2024, but following my new purchase on June 28, 2024, the old license was cancelled. 

Please advse,


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9 minutes ago, Sawad said:

 CCleaner Technical Information suggests to find a new CCleaner Page of "ACtivate New Key" , the page was not found anywhere in the page.

I believe that they meant this, can you not see it on your CCleaner?

If your old key is still being shown there then you should also see that 'Activate new key' and should be able to click on it.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/07/2024 at 17:43, nukecad said:

I believe that they meant this, can you not see it on your CCleaner?

If your old key is still being shown there then you should also see that 'Activate new key' and should be able to click on it.



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4 hours ago, Sawad said:
  • I cannot find the page as you advised.
  • CCleaner is open with no place to fill in the license key.
  • CCleaner titled "Activate you license" with old license already filled in the box.
  • Trying to copy and past my new license replacing the old license, it failed with error.
  • The error Code is ALPHA (0XAB000003)". How to correct the error.
  • My purchase is Cleverbridge Reference Number REDACTED on Jun 28, 2040.
  • The purchase is a bundle of 2-year subscription to CCleaner Professional.
  • The bundle of purchase includes Kamo + 24/7 free live chat and a cashback.
  • Confirmation of purchase was received by email on the same Jun 28, 2024.
  • CCleaner download and Kamo download were sent in the same email.
  • After the CCleaner downloaded and installed, my old license was deactivated.
  • CCleaner was open to activating and registering the new license but failed.
  • This is because CCleaner was open with old license already filled in the license box.
  • I have tried to find a link to the "blank box" in CCleaner to fill in the new license key.
  • The "blank box" to fill in the the license key could not be found til now.
  • Therefor the new license key is copied and pasted replacing the old license.
  • By this way the activation failed with error ALPHA (0xAB000003). 
  • I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling with new downloads of CCleaner,
  • including CCleaner 6,26.1119, and free trial CCleaner, they are all failed to activate and register the new license.
  • The Support CCleaner Team has given advice, but they cannot help finding solutions to my issue.
  • Please see the Screenshot attached.



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This is the screenshot of CCleaner titled "Activate your license", with the old license already filled in the license key box, not a blank box.

When my new license key is copied and pasted replacing the old license key, the click "Next", it failed, showing an error ALPHA (0xAB000003).

This screenshot is taken from the free trial CCleaner Professional, downloaded and installed; the new license key was sent by email to confirm the free trial of 30 days. The free trial CCleaner license cannot also be able to input to activate, the same as my new license. 

I would need a solution to activate my new license, help me please.

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Firstly - Please stop posting images and text that contains personal details such as you licence key and Cleverbridge reference - it is not safe to do that.

Second - you say that you are trying to enter a new licence key.
But your screenshot showed an old style licence key (or it did before I removed it from view).

You also say that:


This screenshot is taken from the free trial CCleaner Professional

But your screenshot does not show that at all - Your screenshot shows CCleaner Free version not a trial, which is why you don't see the 'Activate new Key' option.
You will only see that option if it is already registered as CCleaner Pro.

(I also note that the screenshot itself is almost a week old, but that isn't important here so don't worry about it).

DO NOT POST ANY MORE KEYS HERE. But is the key that was shown in your screenshot  your 'New' key?

I/we can help - but I/we need to know just what is going on first so that we don't try to tell you the wrong thing.
At the moment what you are saying and what your screenshot shows do not tell the same story.

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CCleaner Support on Most Popular FAQs, has been studied on "How to activate and register CCleaner Professional.".

Screenshots of 5 CCleaner pages have been taken from YouTube under the subject.

Screenshot 1. Where do I enter my license key ?

Screenshot 2. The text underneath the photo stated, after downloaded and installed, CCleaner should pop up with a register box, inviting you to enter all details. If the box does not appear and you cannot find where to enter your license information, go to Option > License Key in CCleaner, enter your license key, and next to register.

Screenshot 3. As stated above, CCleaner titled "Activate your license" should appear and  pop up with a register box, inviting to enter all details.

Screenshot 4. It looks like the same as above, but stated " not like this". and state underneath that in case CCleaner Professional of which the old license key is already registered and shown in the box, you update by clicking on the Activate New Key link.

The problem is the link to CCleaner "Activate New Key' could not be found.

Screenshot 5 After clicking a link to CCleaner " Activate New Key", the CCleaner titled " Manage my license" will appear like this, with blank box to be filled by all information to register the new license key.

The problem is stated above, the link could not be found.

Please advise to find the link as mentioned.





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Repeating what you have already said is not getting things any further.

You are not seeing "Activate new key" as shown on the help pages because that is only shown in CCleaner Proffesional.

Your original screenshot clearly shows that you currently have CCleaner Free installed, CCleaner Free does not show you that "Activate new key" link which is why you cannot see it.

For us to be able to help you you need to answer the questions that we ask you.

So I ask again - Is the key that you had shown in your original screenshot (the key that I blanked out) your old key or your new key?

When I know the answer to that I can then tell you what you need to do next.

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I would like to answer to your questions as follows.

The screenshot of the "CCleaner free ", mentioned earlier, is just to show the similar CCleaner pages, opening just after several downloading and installing in exploring to resolve my issue of activation and registration, namely, CCleaner Professional as received from Cleverbridge, CCleaner Professional upgrade from download, and CCleaner Professional free

CCleaner Trial has been activated and the confirmed email has been received. After installed, some CCleaner pages have been opened to enter my new license or its own Trial license. All pages are similar. as shown in the screenshot of CCleaner free, in your question.

In CCleaner, with "Option" and "license", there is the old license of mine already registered or filled in the license box, and when copying and pasting a new license replacing the old license, the registration fails.

I have been looking for a CCleaner page, similar to your proposed screenshot, in which registration information can be filled in, and the "Activate new key" can be clicked as you suggested. The CCleaner page is similar to my "Screenshot 5." from the YouTube clip of CCleaner Help shown in my last writing above.

My purchase is a subscription to CCleaner Professional, including CCleaner, Kamo, Recuva and Speccy. The link of download from Cleverbridge is received by email. In my opinion, the download, installation, activation, and registration would be simple.

Sorry for the complication of my explanation. I have done my best. I hope the issue would be resolved. I will get back to the download, uninstalling, reinstalling, and reactivating, and also i will let you know.

Please be patient to read.



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OK thanks, I think I now understand what you have done up to now.

I wasn't sure sure why you had used a trial version in those circumstances, - but I've just done a complete reinstall of CCleaner here and I do now see why you might have done that.
(Note for others reading this -The initial scan after installing has changed with v6.26 and it now shows an Offer to get a trial).

I suspect that the Trial is what is causing your problem here.
You have an old key, a trial, and a new key - and CCleaner is getting confused over which one should be used.

Not to worry, let's do a full uninstall and reinstall of CCleaner on your computer to start again from scratch.

Please follow these steps carefully one by one:

  1. Make sure that you have a note of your registered name and your new licence key. The new key that you bought from Cleverbridge (not the trial).
  2. Uninstall your current CCleaner. (Use Windows Setting>Apps, or you can use the Uninstall Tool in CCleaner. it can uninstall itself).
  3. 'Restart' your computer to clear the memory of system temporary files. (Be sure to use 'Restart' not 'Shutdown').
  4. Download a completely new installer for CCleaner Free from here: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
    Download the first one on the list - the Standard Installer. It will download a file called "ccsetup626.exe"
  5. Double-click the downloaded "ccsetup626.exe" to reinstall CCleaner Free.
  6. At the end of the reinstall click on the blue  'Run CCleaner' button and let the installer open CCleaner.
    It should show you the Welcome screens and do a Health Check scan/clean - if it asks if you want a 30 day trial then click the small blue text that says 'Not now, maybe later'.
    (It may not even ask if you have recently used a trial).
  7. Now go to Options>License Key, you should see the 'Activate your license' page and this time the box for your key should now be blank.
  8. Enter your new key in the box as asked to register it as CCleaner Pro.

If the new install will still not accept your new key then please tell us exactly what it says - a screenshot would be best.

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Thanks for the advice.

I have followed the instructions. I have had trying several ways, including CCleaner free and CCleaner Trial, hoping to resolve my issue of activation and registration. The trial CCleaner can be cancelled within 30 days.

I have started with download from Cleverbridge email, CCleaner was unable to activate. Some reading of CCleaner help text and etc., has been going on, and trying to follow resolving the issue.

I have now followed your advice and again the activation not successful.

Starting with uninstalling by Revo uninstaller, restarting the PC, downloading the "ccsetup626.exe", reinstalling CCleaner Free, the Welcome screen of CCleaner shows. Click the small blue text that says 'Not now, maybe later'.

Go to Options>License Key, showing CCleaner page titled 'Activate your license', but not as expected, not the blank box for the key can be filled, instead the box was already filled by the old license key.

I therefor copied and pasted my new license key replacing the old license key, the activation failed. 

Please kindly continue further advise.

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Strange, lets try this

  1. Close CCleaner.
  2. Open Task Manager and if CCleaner is showing anywhere in there then 'End Task' on it.
  3. Open File Explorer and browse to the CCleaner folder (it should be  in C:\Program Files).
  4. Once there look for the two files - ccleaner.dat (or ccleaner.lic) and branding.dll.
  5. Delete those two files. You will probably need to give Administrator permission to delete them.
  6. 'Restart' your computer

Now Open CCleaner and try the activation again.

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After long consultation, the CCleaner Support Team has changed my license key to a new one.

The activation now is ok and the subscription is supposed to be the same as purchased, July 28, 2024.

Your kind assistance is very much appreciated, I have learned a lot on how to work on PC.

Should there be other issues, I may come back to you, Mr.nukecad.


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Good to hear that your problem has been resolved with a new key from the support team.

There was always a very slight chance that you may have been issued with a 'faulty' key that wouldn't activate (for some licencing issue at the server).
But we can't issue keys from here, and so trying the other steps would have ruled out anything else as being the cause.

Hopefully your CCleaner will work as intended now.

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I am glade that the issue has been resolved.

Actually, the key is not the problem, CCleaner was open with an old key already filled in the box, and a new key was not be able to be filled in, and there was no CCleaner with blank key box for new key to be filled in.

I would think that the key is not considered as 'faulty' Key.

You are appreciated.

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