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Driver updater not working correctly

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I have been using on the pro version the Driver Updater option for a couple of years now all fine until a couple of months ago!

After running it there where about 80 updates needed which I thought was very odd as I always use it regularly but I asked it to update them anyway which it did all bar 34 and it will not update them as I have been trying now for 2 months.

Can anyone help!


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😳 That's a lot of driver updates, I don't think I'd even have that many to install if I were to install Windows anew...

Can you post a screenshot of which updates CCleaner is showing for your devices? I'm curious to know which drivers are out of date, oftentimes they aren't really updates (e.g., chipset related ones) and in other occasions, especially on laptops, they haven't been validated for the device (they may be compatible given the hardware IDs, just not tested by the manufacturer).

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The provider of the update listing was changed, which is why there were suddenly more found.

As already noted check what they are on the manufacturers website and update manually if required.
Just because it's 'newer' doesn't meant that it's meant for, or needed for, your particular machine.

You can and do see issues when people update to 'newer' drivers that are not meant for their particular machine. (Which is why a lot of people won'tt trust/use any automatic driver updater).

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Je viens de passer à la version pro et, dans le résultat des mises à jour des pilotes, il me propose de télécharger le pilote graphique Intel UHD. Mais la version proposée est plus ancienne ! Dois-je en tenir compte ou l'ignorer ? (Le site Intel ne me propose aucune mise à jour). Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

Je passe par un autre programme de mises à jour automatique justement,pour faire mes mises à jour.Donc,je dois l'ignorer?


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If your current driver is working for you then why change it?

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53 minutes ago, redwolfe_98 said:

well, because ccleaner says that there is an update available.. 🙂

And of course they always know what is "best" for everyone.🤣

It's nothing to do with marketing at all, honest.

But do buy a Pro licence now so that CCleaner can update things for you. (Whether you need that update or not)

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