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Trying to cancel [Solved]

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As the title says, I'm trying to cancel my subscription. I lost my email when I signed up for the trial. For reference I have CCleaner Professional trial with 13 days remaining. So I'd like to have this canceled before my debit card is charged. When I click "manage subscription" it asks for a reference number that I no longer have. I've emailed support 3 times and the only response acknowledged I wanted to cancel but instead of doing it they asked why I wanted to and never bothered to respond again. Further communication on this matter has been met with silence. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, rahlevi said:

When I click "manage subscription" it asks for a reference number that I no longer have.

You can lookup your CCleaner licence details here:
You can lookup your Cleverbridge reference here:

Hopefully those details should then let you use 'Manage Subscription' without involving support.

PS. Although the automated reply email is quick, and it will be that that is asking why, you are in a queue and support can take a while these days for an actual person to get back to you - and sending further requests before that happens actually slows the response down.
While you are stiil in the queue for a person to reply then each time you send a new one in the system collates it with you previous unanswered ones as all one new request with updated info, and they all get put to the back of the queue again.
It's done like that so that all the latest information about your issue is in one place when a support person picks up your request from the queue. (Putting that to the back prevents attempts at queue-jumping).
Once you have had a reply from a real person then you are no longer in the queue and return emails to that reply go on your already open case.

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Good to hear that worked as it should.

I will lock the thread and mark it as Solved so others may find it useful.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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