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Ccleaner is cleaning FireFox several times a day when it hasn't been opened.

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I assume that you mean it's Firefox that hasn't been opened.

What is it that is telling you that CCleaner is cleaning Firefox?

Do you mean CCleaner is running a browser clean as part of Smart Cleaning and notifying you in a pop-up notificaion that it has cleaned it?.

If you do have Smart Cleaning enabled than can you post a screenshot of your setting there, eg.


And no, it wouldn't be harmful but it does sound odd to be doing it if Firefox isn't being closed (isn't even open).


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For some reason, lightshot is acting up and I cant get a screen right now.

Yes, Fire fox is my back up browser and it is not open.
Notification happens via notification balloon in the lower right corner.

I have Edge Chromium, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome all set to "Automatically Clean on closing with notification".
This happens whether Chrome is open or not. I do not have junk files cleaning enabled.

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That notification is indicating that Firefox has closed and so Smart Cleaning has cleaned it for you.

To stop seeing the notifications you could simply change it to clean without notification, see my screenshot above, or turn off the automatic browser cleaning.

However I have no doubt that you want to know why it's happening, and it is odd so I'd be interested too. (and no doubt so would the CCleaner developers).

CCleaner obviously thinks that Firefox is being opened and closed several times a day, and if you haven't been running it then what has?

My first thought is that it may well be the Firefox updater, do you have it set to update even when not running?
From what I can find Firefox checks every hour for new updates and as that checking will open/close a Firefox process then that might be what is triggering Smart Cleaning to run a 'closed browser' clean.
It's in Settings>General

If that isn't it then I would check your Firefox Add-ons to see if one of them may be doing similar automatic checks while Firefox is not running.

A remote possibility (pardon the pun) is that something external is using your Firefox, with your permission or without it.

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