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Where does Recuva store the Search results?


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I would like to know, where Recuva stores the Results after  a deep scan.

When Recuva finishes the scan ca. 10 GB of space are used permanently and I want to delete the files manual.


Perhaps someone can help


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Recuva does not store such scan lists.

That's simply because thing can change on the disc making any such list obsolete, Recuva has to scan anew each time to be sure just what is there.

Let's see if we can help with your 10 GB.

Firstly- How do you know that "10 GB of space are used permenantly"? What is telling you that?
What is telling you that there are files in that 10 GB? (Particularly files that you can/should delete).
It may be 10 GB that is being reserved for use by Windows. Windows does that.

A couple more questions:
What Windows version are you using?
It the drive a HDD, a SSD/ a Thumb Drive.Flash Drive, a SD card, something else?
Is this a system drive or an external drive?

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and thanks for the quick answer.

The 10 GB were gone after the scan. I'm looking for my space very strictly, that's the reason why I know it.

And I'm using the Windows "Datenträgerbereinigung" and CCleaner "Health Check" very often to delete all obsolete files.

I'm using Windows 10 Pro, 22H2.

The scan runs on a HDD System Drive - Drive "C".

And aside from that the space is reducing while Recuva runs.

But if you don't think that Recuva is responsable for the lost of space, I will wait some days.

Kind regards


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So are you saying that you are attempting to recover deleted files from a C; drive back onto the same C: drive?
If so then that isn't a good idea because what you recover may/will be overwriting what ever else there is to be recovered.
You should be recovering to a different drive and not saving anything at all to the drive you are trying to recover from.
Plus if recovering from a system drive then you should not be using it at all until the recovery is complete, Ideally you should take it out of the computer so that it doesn't boot, and work on it as an external drive on another computer.

A side question here then is why/what you are trying to recover?

But back to your 10 GB.
Are you running short of space on the drive?
How big is the drive, and how much is Used/Free?

You say that you are already using Disc Cleanup, but are you using the 'Clean up System Files'?
If not then click it and give it a run through, it will take time because it's a deeper clean.
Note that it may seem to stick on 'Windows Update Cleanup', that one can take a long time to clean so just let it keep going.
(It's also something that CCleaner does not clean, so use Disc Cleanup on it occasionally).


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Hi nukecad,

thanks for your effort but I did all the steps you told me.

And the solution of the "secret" is quite simple: The pagefile.sys is actual 12,5 GB. So that's the file Recuva is using to store its file lists and perhaps some information more about the scan.

So, thanks again - to talk to you has been the right way to activate my brain...

Best regards


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Yes the pagefile.sys is one of the Windows reserved spaces.

It's used by Windows to store 'working' data when your RAM is full.

There aren't any readable files 'saved' in it, just data that Windows is using and needs to put somewhere because there isn't enough room in the RAM.
Once there is space in RAM again then Windows empties the pagefile back into RAM.

You can change the size of the pagefile to be a fixed size, but it's best to let Windows look after it and use as much or as litttle as it needs to.

Are you OK now, or do you have another question?

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Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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